A severe respiratory crisis, hospitalization with suspected Covid and death within a few hours. IT IS It happened yesterday morning November 14 at the San Timoteo de Termoli hospital where a ninety-year-old woman arrived in very serious conditions and in a very short time she did not succeed. The woman had been subjected to rapid test that gave a positive result and had been hospitalized in the emergency room, a room that for a few weeks has been receiving other patients positive for the Sars-COV-2 coronavirus.
There was no intention of transferring her to the Cardarelli Hospital in Campobasso, which should have been the only covid hospital in Molise, according to plans that now appear to have failed, because the Termoli and Isernia hospitals are also admitting covid-19 patients.
In fact, the already very serious conditions of the elderly have pushed doctors to find him a bed in San Timoteo. but there was not even time to submit her to the nasopharyngeal swab since around 9 am yesterday morning the woman died. The case was raised in the last hours by the secretary of the Molise Democratic Party, Vittorino Facciolla, who had, however, spoken of the lack of beds.
“The latest news from the front is not reassuring: in Termoli The emergency service is full again, there are no more places because all the available ones are occupied by Covid patients.
At this point, it seems that safety parameters are being skipped and it is becoming increasingly difficult to transport positive patients by ambulance and with stretchers that, at this point, arrive at the hospital in any way.
This is the current situation in Saint Timothy, this is the truth, what Toma and Florenzano keep denying and hidingIf you don’t believe it, try asking the doctors and health personnel who are fighting this emergency on the front line right now ”.
Also in the last hours are several positive suspected cases arrived at the hospital of viale San Francesco. A situation that is increasingly difficult to sustain and that could generate promiscuous situations that lead to possible new infections.
The Molise regional health company reported that the patients detained in a call gray area, basically revealing what was now known, that is to say, that even in San Timoteo there had been positives for coronavirus for some time. In fact, the Cardarelli hospital in Campobasso is increasingly struggling to contain the influx of covid patients, only yesterday the daily bulletin reported. 67 hospitalized, 7 of them in intensive care.
Infected operators, full squares, doctors in apnea. Hospitals under Covid control and delays, it’s disaster