Positive cushion for 0.21% of the test teachers in Bergamo: an extension is expected – EcoDiBergamo.it


Only seven of the 3,263 teachers and other school personnel (including nursery school personnel) who have so far undergone serological tests in the Bergamo area are currently infected with Covid. A comforting percentage: 0.21%, even lower than the already low regional figure that stands at around 0.30%.

The 3,263 lancing devices processed to date by the three Asst in Bergamo and by the 60 general practitioners who have joined the screening campaign coordinated by the Ats, represent just over half of the 6,235 reservations received in August by teachers and non-teachers in our province, requested that in a few days the availability had been exhausted, leaving many with dry mouth and causing discontent and some DIY solutions. For this reason, in these hours, the extension beyond the deadline of September 5 is almost certain: we are talking about the end of the month, a period of time that would also allow precarious “enrolled” at the last moment (and currently excluded from the tests) pass in the screening.
