Even downtown activities are beginning to “catch on.” Some commercial activities in Badia, in recent days, have been forced to lower the blinds as they are directly involved in the contagion of Covid. “Currently there are 46 positives – says Mayor Giovanni Rossi – We have a couple of businesses where some employees tested positive and are now being forced to close, and another has been in the last few days. There is also a high school class in solitary confinement – sadly attended a party. The principal told me that the students were going to a birthday party and then they contracted the virus ”. The closure announcement as a precaution was made by the managers themselves through social networks.
“Covid has passed through Il Riportico – writes the owner of the central bar – I wanted to close immediately to protect our dear customers who show us their trust every day and all my boys who put their hearts into it every time they start a shift, I consider myself very fortunate to have them with me as companions on this path. We all try to act for the good of others, we try to do it. See you soon stronger than before. “Covid also visited our store – they write from Carni del Polesine – according to the provisions of the decree of the Ministry of Health, we must observe the immediate closure for safety, to protect ourselves and the health of our dear customers who they show us their trust on a daily basis. In a few days we will give updates. ”Meanwhile, the possibility of installing a drive-in in Badia where swabs can be done seems to be fading, but the preference is to take advantage of the available spaces in the old Riviera Miani hospital “Badia has a Health Point – explains Rossi – so having the possibility of organizing with the spaces that are already available, setting up a ‘drive-in’ does not seem like an appropriate choice. We are a small municipality if we compare it with Rovigo or Adria, where it is good that there is an initiative of this type. At the Health Point, it was possible to organize the flu vaccines, so the same can also be done with swabs ”.