Carrara, October 5, 2020 – The Usl Company of the Northwest of Tuscany communicated to the Municipality of Carrara and the covid manager of a cooperative that manages a kindergarten in via Erevan the positivity of a child, who is still in good health and at home with his family.
Consequently, the planned sanitary procedure was activated and in quarantine now there are 10 other children, the two teachers and the classroom assistant. The activity has been suspended and the cleaning of the premises is in progress. In the rest of the structure, however, normal activity continues safely and the nursery will remain open.
“Even in school and educational facilities, some infections are beginning to be registered – declared the mayor of Carrara Francesco De Pasquale -. That is why it is essential that everyone, starting with families, adhere to strict compliance with prevention measures, firstly controlling the temperature before taking the children to kindergarten and school ”.
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