positive a child from the primary school of Roccafranca


Less than a month after the start of school, it is the sixty-third case of positivity for Covid-19 – and more than a thousand students in isolation – in the schools of Brescia: it is a 10-year-old boy who attends the fifth grade in Roccafranca. Confirmation of the positive swab came Saturday morning – all of his colleagues were sent home.

They will remain there for at least two weeks, as usual, for the fiduciary quarantine pending the swab: in these hours we are actually discussing a modification to the protocol to reduce the quarantine days to 10 (provided there are no symptoms) and a single control swab for positives (again, no symptoms). The decision will be made with a view to the approval of the new Dpcm.

In Roccafranca, meanwhile, the positivity of the 10-year-old boy is confirmed, who in recent days had manifested a bit of discomfort. In addition to his classmates, the health authorities have begun to track all his “direct” contacts, that is, those of the last 24 hours: not only family but also friends and sports colleagues.

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Immediate classroom sanitation

“After the case of positivity that a student from our country’s school told us,” says the Municipality in a note, “we immediately intervened to clean up the rooms. Having bought a peroxide nebulizer, certified anti-Covid by the ministry, months ago, we disinfected the classroom by nebulizing the product and saturating the environment, which was then sealed for 24 hours. Once the necessary time has elapsed, the non-teaching staff will ventilate the room and perform a chemical sanitization with alcohol and ammonia. The children will continue with the lessons following distance learning until the situation normalizes ”.
