positive 23 prison police, another 130 in solitary confinement


It was probably only a matter of time for this to happen: a coronavirus outbreak developed inside the Pagliarelli prison in Palermo, where 23 prison policemen tested positive and another 130 colleagues were placed in home isolation waiting to be subjected to the tampon: figures that therefore, they could increase in the coming days as the health company increases tests among quarantined police officers and their close contacts. One of the new cases of positivity found is related to a prison official from the Ucciardone prison who in the previous days had met his companions infected with Pagliarelli. In the internal section where he works there are about 90 interns. The director of the Giovanna Re penitentiary has announced that investigations are being carried out on the other workers in her department.

At the moment, the first 50 swabs have been negative and the results of another 50 tests are now awaited. Giovanna Re added that the agent is fine and that the areas involved have been properly disinfected. “We just have to keep taking precautionary measures like spacing, wearing masks and constant sanitation,” he said. Meanwhile, the Pagliarelli outbreak also had consequences on the activity of the Court. An investigating judge had to postpone a trial involving 40 inmates for drug trafficking because, between positive and isolated, there were no prison police who could take them to the courtroom to participate in the hearing.
