Porn photos with Angela Marcianò, now feminists and guarantors remain silent. And for the mayor he looked for it: thus hatred wins over civilization


15 September 2020 11:39

Pornographic photomontage with Angela Marcianò, from the left a wave of anger and hatred against the civic candidate that scares the outgoing mayor

Many times we are horrified when we read or hear the comment of the idiot on duty who, after the rape of a girl, promptly came with his misogynistic and sexist considerations as “who knows how she was dressed “, or” what was she doing at that time of night in that place?Now, in Reggio Calabria, it is none other than the mayor himself, a member of a party called “Democrat”, to horrify us by similar considerations. After the pornographic photomontage against Angela Marcianò, Falcomatà sent an official note of “solidarity“Which states that”What we are experiencing is a strange electoral campaign: short and, however, too harsh. Customizing it against someone inevitably leads to exasperating tones with dangerous and unmanageable consequences.“How do I like to say that? Marched if you are looking for him because he is campaigning against him and therefore you cannot control what may happen to him. We only need one Looks Good, and the image would be complete. In any case he is not (alone) Falcomatà the problem: we’ve known about it for six long years (sigh!) and certain attitudes of his are nothing new.

Even more out of tune the silence of many feminists, guarantors of women’s rights, of the youngest and the weakest, that a few days ago they got excited when some friends of the same Marched They had taken an innocent photo of the candidate in Santa Venere with her son who was wearing a cute T-shirt to encourage his mother in her civic commitment. “In a peaceful way and with a great sense of responsibility, the political forces involved leave the children out of the electoral competition. Children do not need to be testimonials or patrons, much less symbols to display or totems to display to the crowds and the plaza.“That Valentina arcidiaco, Guarantor of the Rights of Children and Adolescents of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria. To echo him Emanuele Mattia, his counterpart in the Metropolitan City: “candidates leave children and adolescents out of the propaganda dynamic ”. How can we forget the avid social posts of Filippo Sorgonà, former exponent of the 5 Star Movement and now representative of the Sardines and candidate of Falcomatà, which stigmatized two rare images of Marched me Minicuci flanked by a child, completely ignoring that little Italo He has appeared with extraordinary normality with the Mayor in posts and on direct social networks without interruption for years without anyone being affected.

However, now, by a much more serious episode, no one is shocked and, in fact, the mayor Falcomatà stresses that personalizing the electoral campaign against someone “inevitably leads to exasperating tones with dangerous consequences that are impossible to control ”. Perbacco, Marched He should have campaigned celebrating the outgoing mayor’s amazing administrative feats! Probably nothing would have happened to him then.

But what we ask ourselves in these hours is what happened to the feminists, the guarantors of women’s rights, the activists engaged in the battles for women’s quotas, for the double preference of gender, for gender equality and in many other battles. of civilization? Why are they quiet today?

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