Pope, tomorrow all the religions united in prayer – Chronicle


“Prayer is the way to communicate and listen to God, and in this spirit I accepted the invitation of the High Committee for the Human Brotherhood to dedicate tomorrow, May 14, to prayer, fasting and works of charity. Let us unite as brothers to ask the Lord to save the world from the pandemic. ” The Pope said so at the general audience. Tomorrow will be a day of prayer for all religions.

“Prayer belongs to all: to men of all religions, and probably also to those who do not profess any. Prayer arises in the secret of ourselves, in that inner place that spiritual authors often call the ‘heart’. “, said. Pope Bergoglio again in the general audience, broadcast in streaming from the Library of the Apostolic Palace, continuing the catechesis on prayer. God “does not know hatred, he is hated but he only knows love: this is the God to whom we pray,” he added.