Pope Francis, yellow in the film that opens to homosexual families. A contrary document from Wojtyla and Ratzinger appears


Vatican City – Amid embarrassing silences and suspicions of censorship in the Vatican, the yellow in the sentence pronounced by French Pope in front of the cameras on the historic turning point of gay families. Those few minutes of film would seem extrapolated from an old interview that the Pope released two years ago to Televisa, the Mexican television, but never released. The images (related to the sentence on homosexual families) are contained in the long documentary dedicated to the current pontificate – titled “Francis” and directed by the Russian director Evgeny Afineevsky: a work that is causing a real stir in the Church due to the evident change of doctrine in progress.


The Pope is seen sitting in a chair, on a brown background, while pronouncing the sentence in Spanish: “Homosexual people have the right to remain in a family, they are children of God (…) what we have to create is a law that includes civil unions, in this way they are covered legally. I fought for this. “

It is the same plane, the same light, the same background that also appears in the interview on Mexican TV.

It is a pity, however, that that phrase does not appear in the interview with Televisa or even in the text released by the Vatican at that time. As if it had been subjected upstream to a cut or some kind of censorship. Who knows. In the silence of the Vatican media, many doubts, suspicions and hypotheses advance since that recorded piece – which contains the taboo phrase – has now appeared in the documentary screened at the Rome Film Festival.

What happened is difficult to say.


Meanwhile, the Russian director of the documentary on Pope Francis says his film was personally seen by the pontiff this summer who saw the film on his tablet. And that the interview with the phrase about homosexual families was made exclusively for his film project. The director makes no mention of the Pope’s interview with Televisa. It is precisely this passage that is raising the suspicion of a project studied at the table. The Vatican has naturally been consulted on the matter but for now it has maintained an unusual silence and no corrections, explanations, or clarifications have appeared in official channels.

Meanwhile, the sentence on the opening of the Church to homosexual civil unions has spread throughout the world, causing bishops and cardinals to argue also because it does not seem that a doctrinal provision signed by the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, when he was prefect of the doctrine of the faith, has not yet been annulled. , under the pontificate of John Paul II. The doctrinal document invites the faithful, parish priests and bishops not to collaborate in any way with the advancement of civil legislation that tends to equate the family formed by a man and a woman to families formed by people of the same sex.

“The Church – we read – teaches that respect for homosexual persons cannot in any way lead to the approval of homosexual conduct or the legal recognition of homosexual unions.” Under the document is the explanation that the then Pope John Paul II in 2003 had granted an audience to Cardinal Ratzinger and had approved those doctrinal considerations decided in the ordinary session of the Congregation, ordering their disclosure and publication.

Last updated: 14:38

