Pope Francis turns 84, greeting from Mattarella: “Your support to all Italians. May the limitations of Christmas make it more authentic”


Pope Francis celebrates today, Thursday, December 17, 84 years. Among the first to wish the Pope a happy birthday is the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, who wrote him a long and heartfelt letter. “Your Holiness, on the day of your eighty-fourth birthday, I would like to welcome the most fervent wishes that I have the pleasure to convey to you on behalf of the Italian people, together with my sincere wishes for spiritual and personal well-being,” begins the Head of State . In the “dramatic context of the pandemic – continues – the invitation to an ‘open fraternity’ stood out even brighter and lofty and to the social friendship that His Holiness formulated in the third encyclical of his pontificate. To the entire international community, as well as to individual conscience, he has issued a demanding appeal to sense of responsibility that every man and every woman is called to warn and exercise towards others, especially if they are weak, poor, threatened or oppressed ”.

“The Christmas now at the gates, in view of which I would like to send you a sincere and affectionate wish, it will be held in very special circumstances – continues Mattarella -. Despite the inconvenience they can cause, these limitations open a reminder of the most authentic and essential aspects of this feast and its universal message of brotherhood and peace. A message, Holy Father, that this year our communities feel the need more strongly ”, he concludes, addressing Pope Francis.

The premier’s greetings also came to Bergoglio in the morning Giuseppe Conte, who wrote him a message on Twitter: “Greetings Pope Francis. Let’s continue with the maximum respect for their commitment to a Church of ‘proximity’, always attentive to the needs of the poorest, the most fragile, the smallest ”, he said. And the #PapaFrancesco hashtag immediately caught on on Twitter, picking up on the many greeting messages coming in from around the world.

Meanwhile, on the occasion of Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s birthday, Netflix Announced a new documentary series original inspired by ‘Sharing the wisdom of time (The wisdom of time) ‘, the award-winning book written by the Pope himself. Pope Francis then lands on the well-known transmission platform: it is a choral story, consisting of four episodes, about the elderly as a treasure to be rediscovered, narrated from a new and original point of view, the eyes of the generations younger. Women and men over 70 from around the world will speak to each other in front of the lens of talented young filmmakers under 30 from the same countries. “The elders have wisdom. They were entrusted with the task of transmitting the experience of life, the history of a family, a community, a people, ”Pope Francis wrote in his book. To join the collection of different voices and make this encounter between generations unique, the presence of Pope Francis who, with his exclusive testimony, as an elder among the elderly, will act as the common thread of the four episodes of the series. Proving once again its innovative strength and a personality that allows it to use new tools, achieving even closer to younger generations.
