Pope Francis: “Gossip is worse than Covid”


“Gossip is a plague worse than Covid”. Pope Francis speaks spontaneously, he looks directly at the faithful in St. Peter’s Square during the Angelus to launch another exhortation to avoid ranting, chattering behind people’s backs, a subject very dear to the Holy Father.

“When we see an error, a defect, a slip, in that brother or sister, generally the first thing we do is go tell it to others, to chat,” he says, commenting on a passage from the Gospel of Matthew on fraternal correction. IT IS gossip closes the heart of the community, close the unity of the Church. The great talker is the devil, who is always saying the bad things about others, because he is the liar who tries to disunite the Church, alienate the brothers and not form a community. Please brothers and sisters, we do our best not to chat. Gossip is a worse plague than Covid! Let’s make an effort: no talking.

Francis has repeatedly stressed the need to avoid gossip, as he already did as a bishop. Two months ago, again during the Angelus, he warned of the risk of “lose the taste of silence, of memory “, because” harassed by so much talk, by so many ideologies, by the continuous possibilities of being distracted inside and outside the home “.”The tongue killsInstead, he thundered in February before launching what he himself called the “ecology of the heart” made of silence, recollection and prayer.

“Spiritual men -his words of a little over a year ago- pay good for evil, they respond to pride with meekness, evil with goodness, to noise with silence, to chatter with prayer, to defeatism with a smile “. “In today’s Angelus, the Pontiff spoke again about fraternity and solidarity, key elements of the new encyclical, the” All Brothers, “which he will sign on October 3 on the tomb of Saint Francis in Assisi. Francis spoke of “fraternal correction”, that is, advice to the brothers who have fallen into error. ” There are things that cannot leave the other brothers indifferent – he said -: a greater love is needed to get the brother back “.” The Virgin Mary – her wish at the end of the Angelus – help us to make fraternal correction a healthy habit, so that in our communities we can always establish new fraternal relationships, based on mutual forgiveness and above all on the invincible force of mercy. of God “.

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