Pope Francis faces 2021 from a strengthened position, ready to embark on a leading international mission in March: the journey in Iraq and a visit to the ancient city of Ur, the legendary cradle of Abraham.
A year ago, surrounded by diverse opposition to the results of the synod on the Amazon, had been forced to give up launching the experiment of a married clergy in the regions where a priest arrives to celebrate Mass only every year, every year and a half. A broad front, which included Cardinals Burke, Mueller, Ruini, Sarah, and Pope Benedict himself, who resigned, had turned his back on the wall, preventing him from turning.
One could even fear that the driving force behind the Bergoglian pontificate had run aground. And instead, the succession of events during 2020 made it stronger. I would say that the processes that have been put in place are stronger. And he would be right. Because in the past autumn lines of clear discontinuity from which no successor may back down.
They are well Three the fields in which Francisco marked a definitive turn.
1) The renewed declaration that the homosexuals they are “children of God” and have the right to live “in family” forever sweeps away the homophobic teaching of the past and throws to the ceiling the subtle Ratzingerian distinction according to which homosexuals as persons must be respected, but if they live their sexuality they are trapped in a “serious disorder”.
Francis marks the principle that one is good christians in relation to one’s behavior towards the word of God and towards others and that this is true regardless of how sexuality is experienced. If heOld Testament (and even Saint Paul) uses fiery words towards homosexuals, but the Old Testament also admits the slavery, polygamy, concubinage, revenge. Cultural reflections linked to specific historical periods.
Francesco doesn’t bother to write essays on review theologicalIt is enough for him to emphasize the principle that every human being does not qualify by how he makes love, but by how he places himself before good and evil. From now on, if in the church and in society there will continue to be homophobic currents, they will no longer be able to refer to the papal magisterium. The pontiff has now indicated another horizon.
2) Even the scandal of the approx. 300 million euros thrown into the inversion of the London building on Sloane Avenue, with its line of opaque “mediator” maneuvers and the annex Becciu business With its family-friendly implications and unlikely funding from a self-described intelligence expert, it has brought Francesco to a tipping point regarding the way in which Vatican for decades he dealt with the rotten things that cropped up in his own home in handling money.
Pope Bergoglio 1. granted full freedom of investigation to Vatican investigators Gian Piero Milano and Alessandro Diddi, including the seizure of computers at the offices of the Secretary of State; 2. demonstrated that if a cardinal prefect of a dicastery of the Curia (in lay terminology a minister of state) loses the pontiff’s trust for lack of transparency and the maladministration is immediately dismissed from his position and is also dismissed from the College of Cardinals; 3. Transferring the funds reserved from the Secretary of State to APSA (Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See) and supporting the competencies of supervision budgets of the different Vatican administrations by the Ministry of Economy, reinforced the politics transparency in the use of money in the Vatican.
To understand the abysmal difference in relation to financial scandals of the past it is enough to recall the total closure of the Vatican, at the John paul ii, in front of the bankruptcy of the Ambrosian Bank (which culminated in the strange self-hanging of Roberto Calvi at the Ponte dei Frati Neri in London) and the compromising letters of patronage signed by Monsignor Marcinkus. At that time, the Vatican closed and limited itself to paying international creditors $ 250 million as a “voluntary contribution.” Official hypocrisy was only broken in 2017 by Cardinal Pell, then prefect of the Ministry of the Economy, who revealed that the sum paid by the Vatican had reached 406 million dollars under the table.
3) The third turning point. The publication of important documentation related to the career of the Cardinal McCarrick brought to light the protection system that allowed a casual seducer of seminarians to rise through the American hierarchy later unmasked as pedophile. In the specific case, the two pontificates of Wojtyla me Ratzinger, which Francis’s opponents always use instrumentally as authentic bulwarks of “true doctrine,” have been mercilessly exposed in their tragic silences of cover-up.
Juan Palo II’s entourage, now on trial, has tenaciously refused to collect the complaints on McCarrick’s behavior, favoring him, in a climate of substantial silence. Ratzinger, for his part, despite having been able to initiate an investigation, preferred to rely on oblivion. Thus the gauntlet thrown by the former nuncio in Washington Viganò against Francis, accused of protectionism against McCarrick, changed in the defeat of the former Vatican ambassador. And the credibility of much of the anti-Bergogliano party was dragged into defeat.
In addition, some of its main exponents, the cardinal Mueller and once again Mgr. Viganò – have committed themselves to the ridiculous call for the freedom of the Church threatened by a worldwide conspiracy under the guise of anti-Covid measures.
On the other hand, last year has re-launched the leading role of French Pope as the pandemic breaks out. The impressive rite of March 27 in St. Peter’s Square highlighted the figure of the Pope in world public opinion – between believers and non-believers – as a personality capable of reflecting the anxieties and the need for solidarity and hope of the masses affected by the pandemic.
But most of all its appeal to one reconstruction the one that re-establishes a truly “social” market mechanism, overcoming the existing financial economy of theft and fighting inequalities, has again proposed it as political-religious leader that interprets the options that await humanity.