The church that embraces gay culture. If you ratify my sexual orientation and accept it as natural (you are the way you are because God wanted you that way), what happens to my freedom? Even the catechism moves in a different sphere
As often happens, even in civil unions between people of the same sex the Pope expressed himself in a way, if not equivocal, equivocal. On the other hand, with the compliments to the director of the documentary and to the Rome Festival that hosted the scoop, it is obvious that if those who keep Genesis or Leviticus or Saint Paul’s letter to the Romans or the Corinthians derive biblical themes in the chat. amorosa docu-film, the misunderstanding is in re ipsa, it seems strange but it is so. Never mind. The implications are also other, besides the expression, the possible doctrinal confusion, etc. Yesterday Sergio Soave pointed out with insight how paradoxically Western it is, how much it collides with the interreligious cultural fabric on which the Pope works, weaving pastoral and doctrine with sublime contempt for danger, opening the door, opening it wide, to the unions homosexual relatives: the Pope who relies heavily on the dialogue around God himself with religious thoughts and customs of an Islamic sphere, and several, that is why he knows well that homosexuality is a crime, even, and severely punished and severely punished for a part of the world that seeks the embrace of. Clarification will be needed on the unifying role of charity.
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