Polyclinic, in Naples a boom in pieces and without contagion of Covid: “Thus we eliminate the risks”


Since the Covid emergency began, childbirth has become an obstacle course for many women expecting a child. In Campania, the model implemented since March in the obstetric emergency room of the maternal and child area of ​​the Federico II Polyclinic hospital has made its way. Here a Covid path has been structured that has now established itself within the largest birthplace in the region. Diversified pathways for patients waiting and positive for Coronavirus, screening and triage for all accesses carried out in external tents separated from healthcare environments, placement of Covid and non-Covid pregnant women in different spaces, buildings and operating rooms, some of the solutions adopted so much since the beginning of the pandemic that they have allowed them not to have even a contagion despite the numerous accesses of women positive to the Coronavirus. In total, from March to August, ten mothers positive for the coronavirus gave birth in the mountain polyclinic, three of which during the month of August. The Polyclinic company has been identified since last March (together with the Caserta hospital) as a regional hub for the management of pregnant women affected by Covid-19: for this reason, 4 reserved places have been activated that have allowed women to give light. in peace, eliminating the risk of spreading the infection.

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Currently there are two clearly separated paths, one for uninfected patients and the other for those with suspected contagion, designed to avoid contact and the possible spread of the virus within the ward. Women with Covid-19 symptoms are welcomed in a pre-triage tent to be swabbed and then taken to separate delivery rooms, located in another building and with exclusively dedicated obstetric staff, in order to safeguard the health and safety of other pregnant women as well. Therefore, there is no possibility that the patients of the respective pathways can come into contact with each other. “To overcome the obstacle of meetings, the first step we took was the establishment of online meetings to accompany the delivery of pregnant women – explains Anna Iervolino, manager of the Polyclinic – and a pilot program has also started at the end of July management of low-risk obstetric delivery (Bro). At a time of great difficulty for the whole of Italian health and in the midst of a global pandemic – adds the director general – our maternal and child department has not only not reduced, but has even strengthened their care services. ”The objective of the Bro project is to avoid the medicalization of the work entrusted to obstetric personnel. This recognizes the centrality of women in the care process and their ability to live the experience of pregnancy and childbirth with a minimum of medical interventions and as a physiological process.

Allow all women to give birth with the partner next door thanks to extraordinary security measures, guaranteeing a favorable and psychologically welcoming environment, protection paths against the Coronavirus: these are the ingredients that configure the conditions of zero infections among patients hospitalized despite the influx. of Covid-positive women from all over the region. Births? They even increased compared to last year: 249 births in the month of August alone which bring the annual average to more than three thousand, the highest in Campania, and has never interrupted the activities of first aid and ordinary oncological surgery for disinfection and other interventions. Efforts that make the Polyclinic Maternal and Child Department an organizational and healthcare model. A center that has also joined forces with the Covid pediatric structure that has also played a role as a regional reference point within the Campania network of assistance to small patients. The Covid pediatric center has three beds (which can be expanded to five) and each room is configured to ensure the continuous presence of the mother with the child. Children with suspected coronavirus infection are welcome in a dedicated pediatric area where the evaluation takes place. They are later transferred to Covid’s infectious disease wing through a path with a high level of biocontainment.

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