The numbers speak for themselves: the magic moment of Giuseppe Conte may have come to an end. If last spring, during the first wave, public opinion had extolled the exploits of the brave prime minister, who found himself facing an unexpected enemy, today the credits that the prime minister could count on have evaporated like snow in the sun. Net of the serious mistakes made in the first months of the health emergency, Conte and his team continued to sound gaffes, messes and slips.
A bleak scene
The icing on the cake is there for all to see. With all summer available to prepare the country for the second wave, the government was caught off guard by the virus. As if the epidemiological situation were not enough, the divisions within the government have become increasingly marked. And for Conte, it is increasingly difficult to keep together the unbridled souls that make up the executive.
On the horizon – experts tell us – the vaccine anti coronavirus. However, Conte’s communication on the subject was not enough to reassure the Italians. Yes, because, judging by the data highlighted by the latest Ipsos survey for Corriere della Sera, only one in three Italians intends to be vaccinated as soon as the serum is available, one in six is against it and 41% prefer to wait to know the effectiveness and risks of the drug.
As toeconomy, the promises and bonuses announced with great fanfare by Conte were of little use, given that 61% of those surveyed expect a worsening of the Italian economic situation.
Conte and M5: low popularity
If this is the scenario, it is no wonder the consequent decline in the work-related passing grades of the government and President Conte. The first index now stands at 52, the second at 55, which is the lowest level since the start of the health emergency. The comparison with the month of September is striking: the drop is 10 points.
Regarding the approval ranking of the party leaders, Giorgia Meloni (36) the minister passed Roberto Speranza (35). The secretary of the Carroccio, Matteo Salvini, is in third place (33), followed by Zingaretti (stable at 29).
Voting intentions confirm the League in the first place with 25.5%, 1% more. It is followed by Pd, with 20.6%, and Fratelli d’Italia (15.5%). The party led by Giorgia Meloni has passed the 5 star movement, nailed to 15% and down 0.9%. Stable Forza Italia, which consolidates its position. The united center-right obtained 49% of the preferences, an increase of 0.7%, while the left and the center-left reached 33.5%. The four forces that support the majority, on the other hand, reach 41.6%.