The first arrive polls at the end of the voting that took place on Sunday 4 and Monday 5 October: the appointment for the election of mayors registered a sharp decrease in participation, which went from 67% to 50.6%, and the victory of center-left in 6 of the 9 capitals. However, the national political framework is totally different from the result of territorial consultations: the government is increasingly weakened, while the center right it appears more and more compact and projected towards the government of our country. The coalition formed by Silvio Berlusconi, Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini is currently stronger than the Giallorossi axis.
# tgla7 Voting orientation: Lega + 1% and PD + 0.7% grow, M5s continue to fall -0.8% https://t.co/IrToMwMCK6
– La7 (@ La7tv) October 5, 2020
As every Monday night, the director Enrico Mentana, during Tg7 at 8:00 p.m., presented the electoral data processed by the Swg institute that, in the first place, contribute a substantial and significant change compared to the surveys of the last week: Brothers from Italy has completed the overtaking operation against the 5 Star Movement. Thus, the Meloni party is in front of the grillini with an excellent 15.8%. First of all stay firmly there League, which gains 1% and rises to 24.8%. The Democratic Party is exactly 4 percentage points behind, up 0.7%. Pentatellati continue to collapse, losing 0.8% and falling to 15.2%. Also noteworthy is the progress of Go Italy: the blue ones obtain + 0.2% and stand at 6%.
Government in decline amid divisions and disputes
Then we find article 1 of Sinistra Italiana Mdp with 3.4% of the votes, or -0.1% in a week. Concluding the participation of Carlo Calenda (3.3%, -0.1%), Italy Live (2.8%, -0.2%), + Europe (2%, -0.1%), Greens (1.6%, -0.3%) and Cambiamo! by the Governor of Liguria, Giovanni Toti (1.3%, -0.2%). The percentage of people who wanted to vote on another list not included among those mentioned in the list decreased by 0.1. On the other hand, the number of those who do not express themselves in the survey remains stable (37%). The center-right is reinforced since it can enjoy almost 48% of the preferences; government forces, on the other hand, cannot exceed 40% in total.
The Giallorossi executive certainly pays the divisions on crucial issues, especially in the Month: most have not yet managed to find a common synthesis to overcome differences over the bailout fund. On the one hand, the Democratic Party and the Renzianos are pushing for access to funds from the European Stability Mechanism in favor of health, while on the other the 5 Star Movement continues to offer resistance. But the grillini, which among other things has to deal with one division that could be just around the corner – they could soon bow to the ultimatums of the left and give the green light to what until a few weeks ago they considered an old, inadequate and dangerous tool.