Polls 2020, in the year of Covid Conte is the most appreciated leader. If we voted today, Pd and M5s together would approach the center-right


2020, the year of the pandemic, it’s ending. Also in politics, Between rumors of reorganization and the specter of a government crisis, it is time to draw conclusions. According to a survey conducted by Population in the last weeks and what explains Republic, in the year of the virus the Italians appreciated Giuseppe Conte, became a “strong leader” to deal with the emergency. For this third of the interviewees (33%) choose it like him “best” among the leaders of the political scene. Behind him the other leaders do not reach 10% consensus: Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni and also the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella they stop between 7 and 8%. In contrast, number one of the League is known as the “Worst” since 35% Italians.

The survey of Nando Pagnoncelli For him Corriere della Sera highlights that if we went to vote today on united center (Lega, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia and smaller lists) would be in head, with a majority of more than 200 seats in the Chambers and more than 100 in the Senate, but if Pd and M5 went together (and with the other two perhaps supporting the Conte government) the gap would be greatly reduced. Here are the numbers: if the M5s were alone, the center right would win 222 seats in the House against 123 of the center-left and 51 on the M5S. In the Senate, the center-right would have 115 seats, 58 the center-left and 23 out of 5 stars. The Pd-M5s axis, on the other hand, would make the right center stop at 212 seats in the House and 109 in the Senate.

Regarding expectations about the evolution of the pandemic, according to the Ilvo Diamanti institute survey for Republic 53% believe that next year will mark the end of the emergency and 48% are convinced that luckily 2021 will be better than 2020, compared to 29% who think it is “the same” and 19% who fear it will still wear worst.

Finally, among the “best” leaders inestuary only the German chancellor stands out for the Italians Angela Merkel (11%), followed by the president-elect of the United States Joe biden (5%). There is no doubt, however, about the “worst”: the first place belongs to the outgoing Donald trump with 36%.
