“Political and criminal responsibility” – Libero Quotidiano


“Sensational Revelations Today in Repubblica on Government Management of the Epidemic”. So Giorgia Meloni commented on the secret document on outbreak prediction of coronavirus, of which the director of the Ministry of Health had spoken without ever coming to light. At least until now: the newspaper directed by Molinari has revealed the content of the report seen by the Scientific Technical Committee of February 12, two weeks before the outbreaks that started the epidemic. The study carried out by a researcher from the Bruno Kessler Foundation has already highlighted all the criticalities of the Italian system and estimated between 35,000 and 60,000 deaths from Covid.

“Well – continued Meloni – a detailed study by a real expert was presented to the CTS and then to the government on February 12, predicting exactly what happened next in fact, that is, the spread of the virus, the insufficient number of intensive care and a number of deaths between 35 thousand and 60 thousand. But despite this, the government did absolutely nothing to contain the epidemic, it was the period of ‘hug a Chinese’ and ‘no quarantine’. He did nothing – added the leader of Fdi- to prepare our health system for the storm that was about to arrive and he did nothing even to look for masks and individual protections. the criminal responsibility Of these breaches that in all probability have contributed to aggravating the coronavirus crisis are the responsibility of the judiciary, but certainly the political responsibilities they are clear and obvious and cannot be left without consequences ”.

On February 12 secret report on infections and deaths.  Coronavirus, this is a bomb in Conte: the government did not know or do anything
