They did it under their noses for 40 years, the police now say enough. Than it seems to Fattoquotidiano.it they finished low disciplinary verification the agents who were the protagonists of the sensational affair of the Municipality of Carbone, where they had run as candidates, received paid leave and immediately resigned once elected. The administration of the State Police has decided to open a front on suspicious candidates to check whether – beyond what is lawful and inadmissible – their behavior is compatible with uniform honor duties. An assessment that does not exclude criminal profiles and it will not be limited – it is the commitment of the upper levels of the administration – to the case that broke out in Basilicata.
Verification starts from the call “expectation band“The handful of Calabrian policemen who, in order to enjoy 30 days of paid leave, had seen fit to request it in Basilicata, in Carbone, 350 kilometers away. Where it was not necessary to collect signatures for the list and therefore possible apply remotely, with the almost mathematical certainty of not be chosen. The devil this time, however, has put us in line: the local list was not admitted due to a delay in the presentation and they were chosen for real, without ever having set foot in town. Their immediate resignations later certified that they had noI have no intention of managing it. Thus, unlike other times, history exploded beyond local borders and beyond the threshold of what is tolerable.
the Prefect of Potenza, who had to accept the resignation and start the commissioner, was the first to want to see clearly: after a check he found that the ghost candidates are actually State Police officers belonging to Reggio Calabria mobile department. After the names, it turned out that it was not the first time they resorted to the “trick”, completely legal but very questionable for those who wear uniforms.
Over the past five years, the same agents have left a long trail of “political” business. From 2015 to 2019, it says The Republic, we find them in the lists of small municipalities in the South: in 2019 a Password, in the province of Avellino, in 2018 ad Arpaise, in the Benevento area, then a Teana (Potenza) and in 2015 and 2016 a Gin of the Schiavoni and Castelfranco in Miscano, still in Campania.
Administrative verification will not be easy. The cunning of electoral expectation is perfectly legal, in fact it is possible “under the law.” For 40 years, those who practice it have hung their uniform in a paragraph of the Regulation of the Public Security Administration amended by law in 1981. Article 81 regulates the “rules of political behavior“, The second paragraph states that”Members of the police forces who are candidates for political or administrative elections enjoy special leave by check from the moment of acceptance of the candidacy during the electoral campaign.”.
That it is a perfect crime is confirmed by the words of the Reggio Police Commissioner, Maurizio vallone to fattoquotidiano.it: “They have found a perfect and impregnable mechanism. They used prerogatives allowed by law which is difficult to remedy. How do you prevent a person with legal requirements from running for office? It’s complicated, they touch constitutionally guaranteed rights. We hope that in the future someone will help us ”.
Reggio Police Commissioner confirms it is a perfect crime, Maurizio vallone to fattoquotidiano.it: “They have found a perfect and impregnable mechanism. They used it prerogatives allowed by law which is difficult to remedy. How do you prevent a person who has legal requirements from running for office? It’s complicated, they touch constitutionally guaranteed rights. We hope that in the future someone will help us ”.
But the law is still a law you can change. The mayor of Milan had requested this in a letter to Minister Alfano. Carapelle Calvisio, a small town in Abruzzo thirty kilometers from L’Aquila. Domenico Di Cesare he had noticed that rival lists were mostly made up of agents and had decided to report this practice. But it didn’t help.
Parliament also had its chance. In 2014 the then deputy of Sel Gianni milella had introduced a bill in the House precisely to cut off the legs of the intelligent, by virtue of just one article and without charges for the state. “It was very simple, it established that thethe leave is unpaid. Period ”, says the former deputy who thus reconstructs his genesis and destiny.
“It is a story that poisoned my blood in the last term. In Abruzzo they had even applied 124 Penitentiary agents of approximately 1,460, almost one in ten. Near L’Aquila there was a municipality, Castelvecchio Calvisio, which has 100 inhabitants. The policemen presented lists from all over Italy. Then I realized the magnitude of the scandal, which is a real scam, perpetrated by those who should have a sense of the state ”.
Who made the proposal? It has been hidden in a House drawer for six years. Filed on May 24, it is attached to the Committee on Constitutional Affairs but the examination has not started: the proposal is still there. “The singular thing – says Millella – is that they had signed it almost every party, there was broad consensus because it was reasonable and without burden for the state. But every time I questioned it in the financial laws also in the form of amendments punctually spa-ri-va. Some hands took it from him and I never understood why. But today that I am in government Conte ei Grillini nothing would be needed to remove this privilege ”.
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