Poinsettia, on December 21 the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn shines “the light that guided the Magi”


This year the December 21 it won’t be just him Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, but will also greet a astronomical phenomenon that was not observed since about 400 years: the great conjunction Between Jupiter me Saturn. Its apparent proximity will give the impression of a single large star, which is why the phenomenon has been renamed “Christmas star”. The conjunction of the two planets was probably the poinsettia which, according to the Gospels carried me The three wise men. The observation of the phenomenon will be broadcast online from Virtual telescope from 16:30.

An approximation of this magnitude between the two planets was last observed in 1623, and it will take almost 60 years to see such an event, until March 15, 2080. The two planets will be so close that they can be observed together. in the field of a telescope. Of course it is a apparent focus which is visible from Earth. According to some theories, this phenomenon is the one narrated in the Gospels: “Nel 7 BC – has explained Gianluca Masi, in charge of the Virtual Telescope – the conjunction between the two planets even occurred three times in a few months, e fu Kepler to suggest that the Magi were inspired by the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn. To watch the show, he said Paolo Volpini of the Italian Union of Amateur Astronomers (Wow), “You have to wait Sunsets and look in the direction of the setting sun. About five pm you can start to see the two planets very close “

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