
Aifa and Iss cut the Poma hospitals in Mantua and San Matteo in Pavia. The main one: the real Italy will remember it, the two institutions will have to give explanations
Mantua. Two hours of live Facebook, 2,600 people connected and $ 22,700 raised for their hyperimmune plasma therapy. Giuseppe De Donno, chief of pulmonology at Poma hospital, new web star for his life-saving and life-giving coronaviurs care (“the real star is plasma, not me,” he repeated several times), was a guest on IL 10 MAY from Nycanta, the Italian music festival in New York and national singers. A live made by Tired beppe and Cesare Rascel which included questions from the public and speeches by personalities from the world of journalism and entertainment.
For two hours, De Donno talked about the difficulties he is experiencing to carry out a therapy “that I certainly did not invent, that was already there but that no one was using for Covid-19. There is envy in the environment because the discovery comes from two peripheral poles such as Mantua and Pavia, but we continue. ”At night, however, the official arrival of a story presented by the primary in the afternoon arrives with a frontal attack on the two institutions: the hospital and the University of Pisa were identified by Aifa and Iss as leaders in the national investigation into the use of plasma., cutting off Mantua and Pavia who had launched it. De Donno launches a poison post against Aifa, ISS and the health minister: “Italy, the real , the genuine one, will remind you. And also the rescued patients ».
Live, in the afternoon, the journalist spoke. Maria Giovanna Maglie and the actor Enrico Montesano that encourage the doctor not to give up. “In the coming days, he says, we hope that our scientific work with San Matteo de Pavía will be published. However, whoever prevents the use of hyperimmune serum will be responsible for it. They tried to lock us in the basement, they gave me insane and Di Bella; fior di virologi, who has advised politicians badly, has criticized us to the point of exhaustion ». And he thanked his “team” of doctors, the deputy: “If I had not had them, I would not have done what I did.”
Bitter laughter when Montesano observes that perhaps the origin of ostracism towards De Donno is the fact that “plasma costs little, works well and does not make billionaires.” “It says well, was the answer from the primary, when they invited me on television they gave me only 20-30 seconds at the end and in Porta a Porta they treated me badly.” Maglie asks how much her therapy costs: “Plasma is free, it is an act of generosity. With the work of the staff and machinery, a bag costs 82 euros, as a supplement that we use in the gym. And to those who ask him what the future of his therapy will be, he replies: “The path is irreversible and my only objective is to save the lives of patients.” We also sent the plasma to Ischia and after 18 days a young patient improved. ” He cites the news that AIFA, the Medicines Agency and the Higher Institute of Health “have entrusted the region of Tuscany with a plasma test, a region bombarded by the coronavirus like Lombardy – he says regretfully.” Aifa did the same when she confided the Tocilizumab test to Naples, where there was no case of Covid. They must explain … »
As for plasma therapy, “now it has taken off. Now it is up to politics to do its part. I will also say this Thursday in the Senate and in the health committee of the European Parliament when I am called.” He returns to Aifa: “He took the experimentation to himself and this worries me; the Higher Institute of Health should do it, however, it has not done its job: it has not asked the doctors what to do.” And he reveals his «dream»: «I want to make a research center for rare diseases of national value in Mantua. There are already five Italian universities ready to collaborate. It will be an ethical center, not a university, at the service of people, with one objective: support for life. “
Mantua is with you, the hosts urge you: «Almost everything, he specifies, the people of Mantua pretended not to understand and some colleagues behaved arrogantly; They said that the pregnant woman rescued by plasma did not need to be treated: I drag them all to court. “