PORDENONE and UDINE – The problem is not so much what happens today, but what could happen tomorrow. In fact, that of migrants in fiduciary isolation after entering the region is a situation that runs on a spider slime, a fine line between an increasingly complicated reception management and the explosion of a “health bomb” that It would complicate a framework, the local epidemic, which tends instead to a condition of substantial stability. The alarm has turned red today, and for one reason in particular: in Friuli Venezia Giulia (and especially in the province of Udine) there is no longer a place to host asylum seekers who have to spend 14 days safely. before entering the normal circuit of humanitarian assistance. The alarm was launched yesterday morning by the vice president of the Fvg, Riccardo Riccardi.
About 100 migrants arrive each week from the Balkan Route. The flow, which resumed vigorously in July, increased in August. The Castellerio structure, in Pagnacco, was freed from migrants to allow the lessons within the Seminary to restart. In Tricesimo, in the former guest house, there were 40 asylum seekers in quarantine and another 36 in isolation even on board some buses. But in these hours, the eviction at that site has also been completed. There are around 60 in the old Meloni di Tarvisio barracks, while a dozen are in the Air Force facilities in Campoformido. Some forty minors, therefore, find a place in the Red Cross building in Sottoselva, Palmanova. In recent days, eleven migrants (three of whom violated the quarantine on Friday) have been transferred to Sequals, in the province of Pordenone, because the Udine facilities are at the limit of their capacity.
“It is a potentially explosive situation -explained Riccardi- and for this Tuesday we will ask the Interior Minister, Luciana Lamorgese, the immediate transfer of a substantial part of the migrants who arrived in the region in recent weeks.” Also on the plate is the use of the old Cantore di Tolmezzo barracks as a place for the quarantine of migrants. Opposition from local politics and the citizens of Carnian is strong, but in the absence of venues there is a sense that the ministry can force its hand and ignore grievances by opening the doors of the former military site.
Why has Friuli Venezia Giulia run out of places for the quarantine of migrants? The key factor is related to the isolation rules themselves. Each group tracked in the area, in fact, must pass the quarantine separately from those who began or will begin isolation at a different time. There should be no contacts, but the receiving structures are not adequate and do not have enough space to guarantee distance. That is why the prefects, tasked with tracking down new buildings, cannot find any.
In the last week, around 50 imported infections were registered in the region, twenty of which concern asylum seekers. “What is most worrying – explained Riccardi – is the so-called ‘contagion contagion’, that is, the spread of the infection in the same environments. It occurs in families, and the risk is that it may occur more extensively in places dedicated to the quarantine of migrants. We can no longer deal with this problem.