Pizzeria “Falcone e Borsellino” in Germany, the judge rejected the appeal to change the name: “Here little known”. Bonafede intervenes


Holes in the walls to simulate holes in bullets, like after a shooting. On the walls the images of Don Vito Corleone, interpreted by Marlon brando, taken from the movie ‘The Godfather‘, along with the photos of the judges Giovanni falcone me Paolo Borsellino. This is the furniture chosen by a pizzeria in Frankfurt am Main, in Germany, who chose the name “Falcone and Borsellino”, the two magistrates killed by the mafia in 1992, a few months away. Giovanni Falcone’s sister, the teacher Maria Falcone, appealed to the German court denouncing the memory violation of the two judges.

He asked the Frankfurt Court to prevent the owner of the place, Constantin Ulbrich, use the name Falcone e Borsellino in the header of the pizzeria. But the answer was negative: his appeal was rejected, because Judge Falcone “worked mainly in Italy and in germany it’s known just one inner circle of the initiates. Not common people who frequents the pizzeria. “Furthermore, the court writes, nearly 30 years have passed since Falcone’s death and the issue of fight the mafia it is no longer so meaningful among citizens.

The documents produced by the Falcone Foundation that bear witness to the international fame and the notoriety in Germany of the Palermo magistrate. “It is a sentence that efforts a lot ”, commented Maria Falcone. “Less than two months ago – explains the professor – at the end of the Conference of the Parties on the Convention He-she-it a Vienna, 190 countries unanimously approved a resolution recognizing the contribution delivered by Falcone to the fight for international organized crimeFalcone specified. “We will appeal against a provision that we consider unfair, also in light of the value it assumes in a city with a very strong presence of Italians who know well the meaning of fight the mafia and the sacrifice of those who lost their lives for justice ”, concluded the professor.

The Minister of Justice also ruled on the matter, Alfonso Bonafede, which has already entrusted “the competent offices of the Ministry to verify the conditions to promote the most adequate and effective Judicial actions, in Germany and Italy, to protect the prestige of judges Falcone and Borsellino and, therefore, of the Italian institutions ”. Not only. Bonafede will write to the German Minister of Justice, Christine Lambrecht: “As in Italy, not even you can get into the bottom of the judges’ decisions. But it’s fair that I represent the minister the culturally devastating effect of such a phrase. “

“The decision of the German Court that denied protection to Judges Falcone and Borsellino is of unprecedented gravity, not only for the decision itself, but also for the reasons that represent a real slap to the memory of the two magistrates, their sacrifice and that of their relatives, “wrote the Italian deputy Viva on Facebook. Maria Chiara Gadda. The M5 MP’s comment is also harsh Francesco D’Uva. “The sentences, even those of other countries – he says – are always accepted. If necessary, they are challenged in the appropriate forums. But I just want to say one thing: the figure of Judge Falcone is a symbol of anti-mafia fight in the world, not only in Italy “.

The outrage is of two political parties. “I hope that Germany can to intervene to protect the names of Falcone and Borsellino, after the mortifying sentence of a German court that disparages the fight against organized crime and allows magistrate-heroes to have the right to a Pizza shop for purely advertising reasons. We do not forget ”, said the leader of the League, Matteo salvini. Senator from Forza Italia Maurizio Gasparri talk about a “idiocy of the German justice, which did not consider the names of Falcone and Borsellino worthy of protection, allowing a pizzeria to abuse this denomination ”.
