Leonardo Santini, 50, jumped from a suspension bridge in the province of Pistoia shortly after 12.30. The police who intervened at the scene immediately thought of suicide, then discovered that the couple, a 38-year-old woman employed by a beauty center in Meadow, was assassinated in his house in Vaiano. According to initial information, the most credited hypothesis by the researchers is that the man fatally wounded his partner and then took his own life. The reason, for the carabinieri, would be attributable to disputes of a sentimental nature that have recently arisen between the two. The couple has one very young daughter that today it was with the grandparents.
The episode took place in Mammiano, a town near San Marcello Pistoiese, more than 60 kilometers from the house where the two lived. It is a pedestrian walkway, also a tourist attraction in the Apennines, that crosses the Lima torrent and that at the highest point exceeds 30 meters in height. It has been the scene of suicides on other occasions and even this morning the discovery of the man immediately made us think of another similar case.
Investigations to trace the family, instead, led the carabinieri to discover that the companion, Claudia Messengers, had been murdered in the house where they live in Briglia di Vaiano, in a mountain area but on a completely different side of Tuscany. The 50-year-old man has covered a very long journey to commit suicide. The messengers were hit several times with a stabbing weapon, possibly a knife. The magistrate of the Prato prosecutor’s office went to Vaiano’s house Carolina bini who has decided to confiscate the entire area for studies. The carabinieri also listened to relatives and acquaintances of the couple to try to understand the context in which the story may have matured.
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Don Roberto Malgesini, stabbed and murdered in Como “the priest of the last”. “I knew the killer, the neck wound was lethal”