Pioli calls, Calhanoglu answers: now the renewal with Milan is very close | First page


“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success, if you love what you do, you will succeed”, repeats the Franco-German musician and philosopher Albert Schweitzer. Hakan calhanoglu has rediscovered the happiness of feeling important to him Milan the level of performance has increased exponentially. Look for the close exchange with the spikes to enter centrally, open the compass to change the game outside, fight like any half in the non-possession phase. But above all, he manages to provide assists and score hard goals like last night against Lazio. The sweetest ending to a 2020 that marked a clear turning point in his football career.

I WANT AC MILAN – “Renewal of Calhanoglu? I do not think there’s any problem. Calha is great with us and the club. I’m sure your will is to stay, then there is a negotiation. Club, technical area, the player and I want the same thing, it has reached important levels and can still grow. A player to bet on ”. Music and lyrics by Stefano Pioli immediately after yesterday’s game. A link, that of Hakan Calhanoglu and AC Milan, that goes beyond the normal course of a complex and angular negotiation. The Turkish international has always expressed the desire to continue the path started with the Emiliano coach and that he is recovering the Devil at the levels dictated by the history of the club. He had entrusted it to his teammates at the beginning of the season, he reiterated it to the management no more than a month ago.

CLOSE UNDERSTANDING – A serene and constructive dialogue to try to lay the foundations for the renewal between Hakan Calhanoglu and Milan. The face to face on December 16 between Gordon Stipic, the player’s representative, and Paolo Maldini served to bring the games closer together. On the eve of the meeting, in fact, the gap between supply and demand was much wider, but now we will continue negotiating but with more confidence. The rossoneri number 10 has revised down the first order of 6 million euros, he wants to go to a club that has given him so much in recent years. Rumors speak of a possible meeting point for 4 million euros with bonuses. Since The rossoneri club filters optimism and the month of January can become the good month to sign the contract and the usual announcements.
