Piacenza, after having earned € 300,000, applies for and obtains income from citizenship


PIACENZA – He had requested and obtained the citizenship income despite having achieved, in the last four years, online earnings of more than 300 thousand euros, the result of daily games of video poker and betting in general. A man was reported to the INPS by the Lieutenancy of the Guardia di Finanza of Castel San Giovanni (Piacenza) and denounced.

His citizenship income was immediately revoked. The Fiamme Gialle have verified the falsity of the information reported in the ISEE declaration attached to the declaration destined to obtain income by citizenship. The man had ‘forgotten’ to report not only his earnings to INPS, but also two apartments, with attached garages, inherited prior to the filing of the sole alternate return. The grant, improperly received from March 2019 to September 2020, amounts to more than 15,000 euros.
