New publication with the answer to another question about physical education activities that can be done in the gym, prepared in collaboration with the Prevention Department of the Veneto Region. The USR for Veneto updates the FAQ for safe return to school.
For the definition of physical education activities that can be carried out in the gym, are the instructions provided by the CTS on May 28 and also included in the USRV Operating Manual published on July 7 still valid?
The indications for the implementation of physical education activities in the gymnasium, provided by the CTS in the Technical Document on the remodeling hypothesis of containment measures in the school sector, refer explicitly to what is reported in Annex 17 – Guidelines for the reopening of Economic Activities, productive and recreational sector, gyms – of DPCM 5/17/2020. Subsequently, the CTS stopped expressing itself in this regard, while Annexes 1 and 9 – Guidelines for the reopening of the Economic, Productive and Recreational Activities Sector, Gymnasiums – respectively of the DPCM 7/14/2020 and the DPCM 8/7/2020 Fully incorporate what is written in the aforementioned Annex 17 of
DPCM 5/17/2020.
However, in Annex 8 – Guidelines for the safe management of social and recreational opportunities organized for children and adolescents in phase 2 of the COVID-19 emergency – of the DPCM 7/8/2020, attention is drawn to the right to balance between the right to socialization, play and in general to education for children and adolescents and, on the other hand, the need to guarantee the conditions for the protection of their health.
To achieve these ends, it is possible to take some ideas from the Guidelines for basic sports activity and motor skills in general from the Sports Office of the Council Presidency and from the COVID-19 safety protocols of the most popular sports. school level, such as those of the Italian Volleyball Federation (FIPAV), the Italian Basketball Federation (FIP), the Italian Football Federation (FIGC) and the Italian Athletics Federation (FIDAL), planning activities according to the same but respecting Precautionary and preventive measures in force, at least until new, new indications of the CTS or a DPCM.
In particular, the following points of attention are highlighted:
- interpersonal distances of at least 1 meter in changing rooms;
- distance of at least 2 meters during physical activity;
- presence of dispensers with sanitizing products, to disinfect hands before and after the activity;
- cleaning and disinfection of the gym, changing rooms and any material used.
Having said all this – read the FAQ – and without prejudice to the aforementioned minimum precautionary and prevention measures, physical education activities in the gym can be planned and carried out with maximum organizational freedom by the institute’s Department of Motor Sciences , which may provide gymnastic exercises of various types and
typology (to be performed individually), group games (without contact or proximity of less than 2 meters between students), use of tools (in a non-promiscuous way) and of the ball (with frequent hand sanitization).
Veneto Notice