Channels and groups on WhatsApp and Telegram with photos and videos of sexual violence against young children, in some cases even babies. This is what the postal police discovered through a lengthy investigation that ended on Wednesday, December 16 with a large operation that saw arrests across Italy: most of the suspects are in Lombardy and Campania, but one of the key figures in the history. he’s a twenty-year-old Venetian, unemployed. It would have been he, together with a 71-year-old Neapolitan optician, in charge of promoting and managing child pornography groups, organizing their activities and attracting new participants from around the world. According to the postal police, the young man, a resident of the province of Venice, in addition to being present in child pornography groups, actively manages them, adding new users and excluding others based on strict “internal rules”. The news is reported by Milan Today.
The maxi operation against child pornography
After two years of investigations, 432 pedophiles were identified by undercover agents infiltrated by the Milan Post Office and by the Rome Postal Police National Center for Combating Child Pornography Online, coordinated by Deputy Prosecutors Fusco and Mannella together with the alternates Barilli and Tarzia. of the District Attorney of Milan.
Instead, there are 159 pedophile groups and 16 dismantled criminal associations that spread child pornography content. Of the 432 identified users, 81 are Italian and 15 were arrested on the spot. More than 300 postal service men have been conducting searches and arrests red-handed in 53 Italian provinces and 18 regions since the early hours of Wednesday morning.
The 16 criminal organizations organized internally with members who had well-defined roles and tasks, such as promoters, organizers, and participants. Each group was governed by strict and precise rules of conduct that served to preserve the anonymity – and thus the “security” – of the criminal association, as well as of the individual participants. The violation of the rules led, in fact, to the expulsion by the directors.
Who are the pedophiles of WhatsApp and Instagram
Through two years of investigation, it was possible to trace the identity of pedophiles who had a nickname online, taking them out in the open and off the net anonymity. 81 of them are Italian and have been identified by the Milanese postal police. Among them are the 71-year-old Neapolitan (optician with university collaborations) and the Venetian.
351 foreign users also participated in the survey, for each of whom all the useful computer traces for their identification have been collected. These elements, shared with international police cooperation agencies, have allowed them to be arrested both in Europe and in the rest of the world. The suspects include people of all ages and social backgrounds, established professionals, workers, students, retirees, public and private employees, including a traffic watchman, and several unemployed, ranging in age from 18 to 71.
The majority of Italian pedophiles reside in Lombardy and Campania. Personal, local and computer system searches carried out by the Milan district attorney’s office led to the seizure of mobile phones, tablets, hard drives, pen drives, computers, and email accounts and social profiles. During the searches, the accounts used by the suspects for requesting child pornography and a large amount of illegal material were also found.