A new phase has begun for social health and social welfare (RSA) structures. In addition to the reopening of visits to patients’ families, the green light also comes from the Higher Institute of Health (Iss) for the safe resumption of group activities within the structures, until now blocked by the Covid-19 emergency. The goal is to be able to see family and friends of older guests. Highlighting the reopening is the latest update of the ISS document “Provisional indications for the prevention and control of SARS and socio-assistance” published today.
This is a new version of the previous document that contained instructions to curb infections in these communities in the period of high virus circulation and, instead, takes into account the current epidemiological situation. The report underlines the possibility of resuming “in safe conditions the activities of the social, health and assistance structures in compliance with physical distancing” and identifies “the rules with which to once again guarantee access to the structures through admissions blocked until now and guarantee safe procedures in readmissions from hospitals “.
“The well-being of the elderly and frail, of those who live far from their families for reasons of non-self-sufficiency, is also closely linked to their emotional environment – explains Paolo D’Ancona, ISS researcher and coordinator of the multidisciplinary working group who did The report -. The possibility of being able to meet loved ones and nurture their relational life is not alien to their state of health and for this reason, today that the epidemiological situation allows it, after the efforts made to stop infections, it is necessary to take a path that gradually bring it back to normal ».
“This is an important document that, precisely because of the specificity of the population to which it is dedicated, is updated in relation to the context of epidemiological scenarios – explains Silvio Brusaferro, president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità -. In addition to the elderly, residential social, health and social welfare structures also welcome individuals with chronic diseases, who suffer from various types of disability or other health problems, also to be considered fragile and potentially at greater risk of serious evolution if they are affected by Covid. -19 ”, he remembers.