ROME There are guidelines for the reopening of restaurants, bars, shops, barber shops and bathing establishments. But in view of Monday, the Regions point to their feet: “As they are written, it will be difficult to apply them,” is the general chorus. It will be necessary to find “, points out Governor Stefano Bonaccini on behalf of all the presidents,” a compromise “between INAIL and the protocols of the Superior Institute of Health and their execution. Therefore, starting Monday, the Regions, following the The rules of the experts of the Scientific Technical Committee will be able to restart activities, independently evaluating which ones to reopen immediately and which ones have yet to wait, such as sports centers and gymnasiums for which the 25th is assumed, indicating that the government provides rigorous protection and exclusive at work “, says the Minister of Autonomies Francesco Boccia in Parliament, however, reiterates the need to move forward with the utmost caution: Italy” is a patient in better conditions than before. But he is still a sick person who cannot afford relapses ».
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Technical documents on shops, bars, restaurants, beaches, beauticians and hairdressers establish very strict publications. The latter, for example, may also be open on Sundays and Mondays, they will have to establish outdoor spaces to keep customers waiting and distance their work stations by two meters. It won’t even be possible to read a magazine and shampoo will be required, as well as masks, gloves and visors for workers and masks for customers. Even for bars and restaurants there is no shortage of protests. For those with small premises, it will be impossible to impose social distancing without losing money. “If they put a table in their house every 4 meters, but not in restaurants,” the governor of the Northern League of Veneto Luca Zaia reacts, proposing 1 meter between one table and another. Not only that: for small restaurants, the scientific committee always proposes the application of plexiglass barriers. But there is also the front of bathing establishments to shake up the territories that focus on tourism in view of the summer. In fact, Giovanni Toti from Liguria attacks: “We try to be serious and rigorous in logic, if the social distance must be 2 meters, it is everywhere.” For umbrellas, however, we aim for 4.5 meters, which become 2 in the case of the separation of the hammocks. Standards that for a region with narrow beaches like Liguria are really “difficult to apply”. In general, to ensure that plant owners do not lose too much revenue, given the reduced flow of customers, the government is also considering the possibility of “expanding” them in adjacent free areas. A scenario that, however, is not limited, especially in the South, to the M5S: “In this way, only the interests of individuals are treated.” Therefore, we return to recriminations and organizational problems. That is why Bonaccini insists: “We must avoid saying that we have the guidelines, but nobody will be able to apply them and, therefore, the activities will remain closed.” We need “an agreement”. Or at least less rigid rules.
Boccia, who has just closed a difficult deal with the various territories that have gone so far in random order, tries to reassure everyone. And he reiterates that precisely those rules are the only alternative to the blockade. “We have to get used to the idea that in the second phase, when sharing work, the risk” of new infections will be transferred “to the workplace. And we must avoid it with all our strength».
Beaches / 1
For umbrellas 4.5 meters minimum distance
Fewer umbrellas and spaces. These are the basic rules for the reopening of bathing establishments. Disinfectant gel dispensers will be in the passage areas. The distance between the umbrellas must be at least 4.5 meters. Between one row and another, the distance rises to 5 meters. All common areas such as showers and bars must be disinfected. Separate entrances and exits will be provided, with pre-established routes to limit contacts between individuals as much as possible.
Beaches / 2
No to shore games and no pools
“Recreational and sports activities” will be banned, leading to group gatherings and games that are beloved by children. And then: Plant pools must remain closed to prevent the spread of the virus. The mask will be worn at the factory until you reach your umbrella, and specific supervision will be required regarding children’s respect for physical distance.
Beaches / 3
Rescue becomes more difficult
In the guidelines, it is also written, in case of ailments, “assess breathing only by looking at the victim’s chest for normal respiratory activity, but without bringing their face close to that of the person in difficulty.” For rescue, therefore, everything will become more difficult, beginning with mouth-to-mouth breathing towards those who have lost consciousness. So much so that there are already those who call this new rule the “ban on drowning.”
Shops / 1
Contingent entrances to the shopping center
For all shopping centers, the indication is that of the fee entries in the structures with variable numbers according to the size of the complex. Not everyone could open next Monday. In fact, they are stopping and appealing to the good sense of the governors of the regions of the Ministry of Health. In general, in clothing stores, for example, they should be provided with a glove for customers to touch items, clean and disinfect test booths every day.
Shops / 2
One at a time in rooms up to 40 square meters.
In small stores of less than 40 square meters, one person is allowed to enter at a time. If the door is unique, the owner will always have to prevent customers from crossing each other. If there are multiple doors, the entrance and exit of the store will differ. As for clothing stores, those who try on a garment should always wear a mask and gloves. The disinfection of the stores is obligatory every day to guarantee the strict hygiene of the rooms. Obligation of generalized information on the behavior to adopt.
Restaurants / 1
Between tables 4 square meters per customer
Going to the restaurant safely will require extraordinary measures from both managers and customers. For starters, there must be a minimum 2-by-2 distance between each table and, in addition, all customers must wear a mask to go to the bathroom or ATM, or in any case to do anything other than eat while sitting instead. The presence of disinfecting gels on the tables will also be mandatory.
Restaurants / 2
More air-conditioned outdoor places to avoid
The recommendation is to favor the arrangement of outdoor tables, through dehors or similar solutions. In closed rooms, however, “natural air exchange and ventilation” is essential. Instead, avoid air conditioning to combat the spread of the virus. Payments by debit or credit card will be privileged. In small restaurants that don’t have tables outside, there should be plexiglass between one table and another.
Restaurants / 3
Buffet farewell and traditional menus.
The change in the innovative and preferably mandatory reservation service, explains the guidelines for the reopening of restaurants, can be a useful organizational tool also for the purpose of sustainability and prevention of meetings of people waiting outside the place. The modalities of the buffet service or similar should be eliminated, still being read, to guarantee the distance between the clients. The digital menu is preferred, not the paper one.
Bar / 1 Gel, gloves and masks at the entrance.
No to the customer meeting at the entrance of the premises; installation of dispensers with disinfecting gels for hand cleaning and special signs on the rules of conduct to follow, also in English. Tables are arranged in such a way as to guarantee a distance of at least one meter between seated people, giving preference, if possible, to outdoor seating (dehors). Obviously gel, emascherin gloves at the entrance.
Bar / 2
Counter disinfection twice a day.
The shared guidelines, which refer to the protocol signed on April 24 by the Government and the social partners, pay special attention to cleaning, disinfection and disinfection activities, which must be carried out at least twice a day, with particular attention to the counters. , toilets, counter and cabinet handles, refrigerators and terminals. In particular, suitable disinfection products and non-generic products should be used for routine cleaning of facilities.
Last update: 00:42