Phase 2, starting May 18, staggered store openings. Sunday time limit abolished


The new ordinance signed by Mayor Virginia Raggi will take effect from Monday, May 18 and until June 21, and will govern the opening hours of commercial, artisanal and production activities, authorized by the Government and the Region to gradually resume the year. With an important change compared to the previous version illustrated on May 8: for companies there is no longer the closing limit on Sunday at 3 pm. After the wave of controversy by category, the Capitol decided to heed the requests and step back from the initial decision.

“This provision – Mayor Virginia Raggi explains – It is born from sharing with the union categories and acronyms of a single objective: to support our fabric of production with respect to the safety of all. Taking into account the daily monitoring of movements in the city, and without prejudice to the need to stagger the flows of people to avoid meetings, we establish different hours for the opening and closing of stores according to their type, giving the opportunity to also work Sunday “

Time slots and types

There band 1 (F1) includes neighborhood businesses in the food sector, food laboratories, medium and large sales structures in the food sector, bakers. And it has two optional sub-bands that individuals can choose to join: F1A, opening from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and closing at 3:00 p.m., F1B, opening from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – closing after 7:00 p.m. and 21:30.

There band 2 (F2) refers, instead, to non-food artisan workshops (from the glassmaker to the optician, from the electrician to the blacksmith, from the tailor to the dry cleaner) and to the rental of vehicles without drivers. The openings must be made in the interval from 9.30 to 10.00, closings before 19.00.

There band 3 (F3), on the other hand, includes neighborhood businesses and the medium and large sales structures of the non-food sector (excluding shopping centers), therefore, sellers of clothing, footwear and books. And even in the third band there are hairdressers and beauticians (who, however, we remember that they will not reopen before June 1), telephone center and internet point. For them it is expected to open from 11.00 to 11.30, closing after 19.00 and before 21.30.

As for Sundays and holidays, any opening hours to the public are not subject to the bands mentioned above, specifies the Capitol, but to the regional and state reference legislation.

“The times established for the categories of production authorized to open were defined on the basis of punctual observation of the evolution of the situation in the city, as well as after repeated comparisons with trade associations and unions. Therefore, experimentally, we have developed this time plan that also includes the discretion, for individual operators, to open on Sundays. A significant opportunity also to start living the city again, always complying with hygiene and health standards to guarantee public safety “ Carlo Cafarotti, Councilor for Economic Development, Tourism and Labor of Roma Capitale comments.

For commercial companies that carry out mixed activities (food and non-food sector), it will be possible to choose one of the opening hours to the public that was discreetly described above, in relation to the values ​​maintained. The obligation to show, in such a way that it is visible even outside the premises, the chosen or assigned code (F1A, F1B, F2, F3), as well as the relative operating hours, is mandatory.

All state and regional prerogatives are subject to changes in health circumstances, and without prejudice to the activity owner’s power to open or not the same both on working days and on holidays.

These provisions do not apply to commerce in public areas, kiosks, shopping malls, tobacconists, pharmacies, parapharmacies, shops of any kind within railway stations and service areas, or to other activities not expressly regulated. for the provision, which will follow the times established by the general rules that govern its activity.

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