What has changed since May 4? The date, which has become a catchphrase for many, marks the end of the blockade, but it is not a free game for everyone. It starts again gradually, after almost 2 months of “rest at home” and after a week, the last one just went through the presentation conference of phase 2 by the First Earl, made of negotiations, orders, measures, openings and hypotheses to regulate phase 2. What will happen from tomorrow? What life awaits us?
Mandatory masks, distancing, hygiene.
First of all, it will be a life where we will have to deal with protection. In accordance with the provisions of the decree, we will have to wear masks in closed rooms and in places accessible to the public and where we have close contact with other people. Outdoors, the mask should only be used for close encounters with other people. We will have to deal with disinfectant gel, mandatory in the offices and also in the train and metro stations. We will have to keep one meter from each other and avoid unnecessary movements. Armed with protection, we will face a daily game of different strength, starting from the transport.
Transportation: how will you travel by subway and bus?
The ministry took shape on the one hand and the ordinance of the Lazio Region on the other. It was the most complex issue at the negotiating tables. On buses and subways, in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance, the obligation of one meter of distance is effectively eliminated. Metro wagons and buses may carry a maximum of 50% of the registration amount. Therefore, it will travel, at most, between 40 and 60 people on buses, and one hundred people on the subway and train cars. We will find stickers that will prohibit you from sitting close to each other and the driver’s station, on buses, will be even more isolated from the rest of the passengers: the entrance door, for this purpose, will never open. There will be a mandatory mask and at the stations it will also be possible to find disinfectant gel dispensers in the automatic vending machines.
At the station, the entrances will be fee and the exit corridors will be divided from the entrance corridors. There will be people counters on the buses and if the vehicle is too full, the driver may skip the stop. [Qui tutti i provvedimenti].
Who reopens
Starting tomorrow, offices, wholesale trade and manufacturing production will reopen. Food and beverage management activities are expected to reopen, but only to go. The Lazio region yesterday, with an ordinance, opened the mesh slightly allowing new reopens. In particular, the resumption of boat storage activities, the sale of children’s shoes, the activity of pet grooming exercises, the activity of breeding and training of animals are allowed. Starting on May 6, the sports activities of professional athletes will resume.
Municipalities are invited to harmonize the times of the various activities, to reduce rush hour. Also for this reason, in view of May 18, the day of the reopening of the stores, plans are being made to regulate the opening of the stores at 10.30 or 11 in the morning. Also possible seven days a week.
In public offices
We will continue to focus a lot on smart work. Rome, a city of public employment, will have to deal with public offices where the presence of hand sanitizing gel will be mandatory. Cleaning and disinfection of environments and machinery will be more frequent. Preventive temperature measurement is also planned at the start of the shift for operators in specific work contexts. Barriers can also be installed to ensure that one meter is spaced.
The lead
As stated, bars, pubs, restaurants, brasseries, donuts, ice cream parlors, patisseries, pizzerias, pizzerias, sandwiches, yogurteries, piadinerias will reopen, but only for the administration of takeaways. We’ll have coffee from the bar. Same for sandwiches, pizza slices, ice cream. Delivery remains. The regulation, established by the Lazio region, recommends customers “place orders online or by phone, to ensure that the collection of requested products is made for appointments over time, in order to avoid meetings outside.” Eating on site is prohibited, you will enter the restaurant one at a time. [qui tutte le informazioni]
New supermarket hours
Starting May 4, the hours of the supermarket will return to those of the previous closing. Lazio Governor Nicola Zingaretti announced it during a press conference. “Starting Monday, supermarkets and food can be open from 8 in the morning until 9.30, returning to the previous hours” [qui tutte le informazioni].
The parks reopen
As Mayor Virginia Raggi announced, the parks will reopen on May 4. There will be a ban on assembly. Entry is only allowed to one person at a time. Accompanied can only be children and non-self-sufficient people always respecting the safety distance. Post these two rules, even if the mayor doesn’t mention it, in essence walking in pairs is also prohibited. Individual sports activities are allowed, but in this case the distance between them must be 2. In green areas, children’s play areas remain closed and the use of sports equipment, when present, will be prohibited. Parties or picnics are also prohibited, recreational recreational activities such as games and group activities are also prohibited. So no outdoor yoga groups or gyms moved to the parks. [qui tutte le informazioni]
Sport activity
The rules have also been established for the resumption of sports activities for professionals. It resumes on May 6. The Lazio Region explains: “The individual training of professional and non-professional athletes recognized by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), by the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP) and by their respective federations is allowed, in accordance with the distance rules social and without any meeting in closed door structures, even for athletes from non-individual sports disciplines. ” It is also allowed “outdoor motor and sports activity individually, or with an escort for minors or people who are not completely self-sufficient, in compliance with the interpersonal safety distance of at least two meters for sports activities and at least one meter for each activity. Individual activities are allowed only in the provincial area for these activities. Exclusively for amateur sport fishing from the mainland in continental waters and at sea, the movement is authorized throughout the region, only intended to allow achievement from the sea coast. ” For May 5, 2020 “, the management bodies of the permitted sports facilities, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of April 26, 2020 and this ordinance, prepare the protocol of the security measures that They will adopt to carry out the activities. In case, the activities inside the sports facilities can only be carried out after the security protocol has been prepared. ” [qui tutte le informazioni]
The big theme of travel.
The topic of travel has animated the debate on social networks. Can i go to a friend From a partner? From a lover? Can I leave the region? Try to put the government in order. “The movements can only be found with their relatives, who should be considered among the movements justified by necessity. However, it is recommended to limit meetings with people who do not live together as much as possible, as this increases the risk of contagion. During these meetings The following must be respected: the prohibition of collection, the interpersonal space of at least one meter and the obligation to wear masks to protect the respiratory tract. ” In relatives we simplify talking about relatives and excluding friends. On Today.it all the clarifications on the subject.
You can leave your home just to go to work, for health reasons, out of necessity, or for sports or physical activities outdoors. Rides, those that are not for motor activity, are prohibited. It is understood that one cannot move from his region.
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Upcoming reopens
The next steps are those of May 18 and June 1. The shops, bars and restaurants will reopen on May 18. Beginning June 1, beauty centers, hairdressers and all other activities that have not previously been opened will reopen. However, the Lazio region has already opened up to possible early openings. This week the meetings are scheduled to discuss the various protocols regarding bathing establishments, shops, bars and restaurants and also for hairdressers and beauty centers.