From health to transport: data to understand the situation in the territory.
Genoa – The call “Phase 2” has started. Thanks to the decreasing intensity of the epidemic made possible by quarantine and the consequent emptying of hospitals, economic and recreational activities and travel can be gradually resumed. It is, as scientists repeat, a delicate phase in which it is necessary to keep under control any sign of recovery from the infection. Below, we have chosen a series of indicators that help us monitor the progress of this period. We will keep you updated daily or when new data becomes available.
Diffusion and transmissibility
Compared to “Phase 1”, where the emergency was primarily health, the new context requires authorities to control the epidemic and an intervention capacity that avoids, to the extent possible, recovery from infection and saturation of hospitals. verified at the height of virus spread. One of the most important indicators in this regard is RT, or the transmissibility index. This number, calculated every week by the Higher Institute of Health, estimates how many people on average are infected by an infected person in a given period in a territory. The RT varies over time, the objective is to keep it below the value of 1 and, in general, be as low as possible.
Obviously, even at this stage, it is still crucial to monitor the new daily cases and, above all, their trend.
In Phase 2, Regions are asked to increase their testing capacity. This means being able to make more swabs more quickly to identify new infected people as soon as possible and assess who has come into contact with them. How to measure
this ability? It is not easy However, we can obtain some indications by following the daily trend of the people evaluated and the corresponding percentage of the positive results followed: the more numerous the subjects evaluated and the lower the percentage of infected people, the more it can be assumed that the epidemic is under control. and extensive monitoring.
Further, have a comparison term Regarding the test capacity of Liguria, we can make two comparisons with other regions: how many people have been evaluated in the last ten days in relation to the number of inhabitants and how many people have been evaluated in relation to those infected.
There is not only data on the epidemic that must be kept under control. Other statistics can also help us monitor Phase 2. For example, the movements of people who, as a recent Imperial College study also demonstrated, are critical to tracking behavior in the post-closure context. Aid from this point of view may come from the data that Google publishes weekly about mobility in the Italian regions regarding different destinations and activities.