Phase 2, 2.8 million Italians return to work since May 4


ROME – “The next step will mobilize between 2.7 and 2.8 million Italians.” It is the decision made in these hours by the government, engaged in videoconference with the working group led by Vittorio Colao. They are workers who join those who work during the closure of chains and activities considered essential to deal with the emergency. The number of those returning to work is actually much higher because others will continue to do smart work, with those over 65 and other groups of more struggling workers remaining protected.

The manager presented to the President of the Board a document (five pages accompanied by slides) that highlights the necessary requirements for the country to restart. Among the former, the immediate need for a protocol for public transportation, considering that 15% of manufacturing and construction workers use them to go to work. Then there is the need to update the security protocol signed with the unions on March 14. And above all, there is a need to have personal protective equipment available, which is worth more than an app right now. Commissioner Domenico Arcuri announced that 4 million masks are currently delivered per day. However, 7 million are needed.


Expect Phase 2: “The reopening would now be irresponsible. Within a week, plan to start again from May 4”

“Those who have everything can leave immediately, as of April 27”, this is Colao’s proposal. But in the discussion between the ministers, efforts are being made to define what it all means: spaces, masks, suitable turns for spacing, transportation that avoids crowding.

The discussion got stuck on the price of the masks: should you be calm? Do you need a political price? Some ministers believe that it is necessary, but this would be an additional complication.


Renzi: “Clear rules to start again, but let’s start.” And in Month: “The grillini will change their minds”

The important appointment was announced by the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Paola De Micheli (Pd), in ‘Circo Massimo’ on Radio Capital. “Today, the government is carrying out” general evaluations “to decide whether the gradual reopening of activities will begin on May 4, explaining that it will be” an exhaustive collegial evaluation, both in terms of health problems and the ways in which Italians want to go back to work. “

In reproduction ….


Coronavirus, the ministry sheds some light on the “Immuni” application: “It will be open source and will not store data”

On the issue of European aid, the minister has no doubts: “Without conditionality, it would take 37 billion a month. Yesterday all groups, apart from the League, remembered that without conditionality we have to take that money.”

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