Rumors have spread since the triple whistle of Benevento-Genoa and now there is confirmation from journalistic sources: Davide ballardini He is Genoa’s new coach, replacing the disastrous one – not exclusively his fault Rolando Maran. The technician will arrive tomorrow around 10 at the Signorini Sports Center.
IS Maurizio Pistocchi to inform us after contacting you by phone. “The news is true; An agreement has been signed that will see him on the bench until June 30 of next year, then automatic renewal in case of salvation.
The Mediaset journalist gives us the first words of Davide ballardini in the role of coach Rossoblù: “The crazy desire to return to the coach was stronger than the reasons that made him say no last year.”
In recent days, Pianetagenoa1893.net had contacted the Ravenna coach by phone to invite him to live Facebook “Il salone del Grifone”, and he had replied: “I don’t want to talk a lot, but a lot of coaching”.