Pfizer vaccine, the subzero trip from Belgium to Italy. VIDEO


3.4 million doses are destined for our country. Which will arrive inside small thermal boxes at -70 °. Movement will be monitored remotely via GPS-equipped sensors. Then conservation will depend on the Regions

Someone already changed the name to “pizzabox”. The first Covid vaccine will arrive in Italy in a small space-saving thermal box. It is a charger, developed by Pfizer to solve the biggest obstacle to the distribution of its vaccine: the need to be stored at -70 °. Each sender can contain up to 5 small boxes, each box will have 195 vials of 5 doses each inside.

Packaging has already started in Belgium

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In Belgium, everything is ready at the Puurs plant. It is here where, between rigorous and precise controls, the vaccine destined for Europe has already begun to be filled and packaged. Each vial is scrupulously inspected, placed in the small box, and stored in -70 ° freezers. When and if the go-ahead for marketing comes from the European Medicines Agency, Pfizer will only have to prepare the last step: remove the 5 boxes of vaccines from the freezer, place them in the thermal loader, close them in ad hoc freezers and send them. .

GPS sensors to monitor position and temperature

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Covid-19, 300 points in Italy for the distribution of the Pfizer vaccine

It is at that time that the first doses will leave Belgium in a few days, 3.4 million of the optional 200 million, bound for Italy. Along the way, through GPS-equipped sensors, connected to a control center, Pfizer technicians will be able to monitor your position and temperature. The responsibility for transport will be borne by the pharmaceutical giant to its destination: that is, up to 300 administration points identified by the Regions: especially hospitals and RSA, because doctors and the elderly will be the first to be immunized.

Three retention options for regions


Covid, Arcuri’s plan for Pfizer vaccine: Hospital first and RSA

At that time, the Regions will have 3 storage options: place the chargers for 6 months in -70 ° freezers; use Pfizer freezers with senders inside as storage units, for 30 days, as long as they are properly refrigerated with dry ice; transfer the vials in normal refrigerators at temperatures between 2 – 8 °, discarding the doses in 5 days. If the data it has received is robust, the European Medicines Agency could give the green light to the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine as of December 29. And the 3.4 million doses could reach Italy at that time, said Health Minister Speranza, between January 23 and 26, 2021. Time is running out and not only is the cold chain left to organize. Millions of needles and syringes are still missing.
