The news that everyone was waiting for came: the first Covid-19 vaccine is getting closer to distribution. The ad comes directly from the American pharmaceutical company. Pfizer and from german BioNTech, who released the preliminary results of phase 3 of the experimentation: the vaccine against the virus that has already killed more than a million people worldwide is “more than 90% effective in preventing infections related to Covid”.
The two companies are the first to show successful data on a large-scale clinical trial of a coronavirus vaccine. No serious contraindications have been found and the company is on its way to apply for marketing authorization from the health regulator before the end of the month. . If authorized, the number of vaccines will be limited and the scientific community has doubts about how long the vaccine can guarantee protection. But the news gives hope that other vaccines in development may also prove effective.
“Today is a great day for science and humanity.“says the president of Pfizer Albert bourla. “We are reaching this milestone in our vaccine development program at a time when the world needs it most, with infection rates setting new records, hospitals approaching overcapacity and economies struggling to reopen.”
UPDATE: We are proud to announce, along with @BioNTech_Group, that our mRNA based #vaccine candidate has shown, in an interim analysis, initial evidence of efficacy against # COVID-19 in participants without prior evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
– Pfizer Inc. (@pfizer) November 9, 2020