PESCARA, September 9 – The sequence of bomb alerts that this morning partially paralyzed some areas of the city would be linked to the activity of a magistrate who works in the Pescara prosecutor’s office.
In the packages found in the five different places (including the prosecutor’s house, the court and the provincial command of the Carabinieri) a threatening message against the magistrate who works in numerous important processes.
The small rudimentary device detonated under the house by the police bomb squad was found this morning, around 7:30, by a condominium wedged between the iron bars that decorate the door of the building. The package fell to the ground, the woman picked it up and placed it on a bicycle. Then she read the message and called the police.
The building was immediately secured by the Police, Municipal Police and Fire Department, an ambulance from the Fire Department also arrived. Public establishments were ordered to close and all neighbors were invited to stay at home.
Then the bomb squads made the bomb glow: it was a soft explosive, little more than a firecracker, but the blast was clearly noticeable both outside and in houses. Around 10 in the morning the road was reopened to traffic. Mobile Team Manager Dante Cosentino was also present.