personal hygiene and micro hugs –


The reduction of the supply of public transport and the presence in schools and workplaces are discussed, to limit the risk of contacts with coronavirus positives and thus stop the growth of the epidemic. The general invitation to stay home, but not even in our apartment we can feel safe, rather. According to the latest weekly monitoring of the control room authorized by the Ministry of Health, the Higher Institute of Health and the Regions, more than 80% of outbreaks occur in the domestic sphere. Limit travel to essential essentials precisely to avoid taking the virus home because once you get home it becomes very difficult to contain it. However, if it is impossible to cancel the risk of infection, a series of rules can be followed to reduce the probability of infection.

Prevention starts outside the home

Preventing contagion in the home begins outside the door first. Useless travel and unnecessary encounters should be avoided. The mask should always be used with a good covering of the nose and mouth: indoors but also outdoors if it is not possible to maintain a safe distance. Hands should be disinfected frequently and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth as much as possible. When you return home, it is a good idea to remove your shoes to avoid entry not only to the coronavirus, but to all microorganisms. You don’t need to wash your clothes once you return home, unless you are frequenting or working in high-risk settings, such as hospitals or nursing homes. Jackets and coats should be placed on the hangers and not on the bed or sofa. Very important: wash your hands thoroughly immediately.

Dating in a bubble: better to always see the same people

In private homes, it is strongly recommended to avoid parties and receive more than six people who do not live together, says the Dpcm of October 13. In the case of guests, it is advisable to invite them to follow the hygiene rules when entering the house (wash their hands, remove their shoes) and still keep a distance of at least one meter. Obviously, the exchange of glasses or plates should be avoided. Between one talk and the other, in front of friends, it is easy to lower the attention threshold but when you are not eating it is a good idea to put on the mask. If you do not want to give up sociability, you can opt for a bubble between friends: choose a partner that you can meet frequently at home with the agreement between everyone to limit meeting with others to the essential (work or school) people.

The most fragile must be protected: mask even at home and micro hugs

Those who have many contacts for study or work reasons should stay away from fragile people and wear a mask in their presence, even if they are at home. Grandparents and relatives with chronic diseases must be protected with great care because for them, in case of Covid-19 infection, the risk of complications is greater. Those who know they have been at risk should avoid visiting frail grandparents or relatives for a couple of weeks. The temptation to hug a loved one tightly, but best avoided. If you cannot give up, it is best to do it for a few seconds in the open air, with the mask and faces facing opposite directions.

Living with positives: sick and asymptomatic patients have to sleep alone

When a positive Covid-19 family member is not at all easy to prevent the virus from spreading. The sick or asymptomatic should isolate themselves in a dedicated room, sleep alone, avoid any contact compatible with the need for assistance. Any meeting between family members should be limited to a few minutes with a mask and at a distance. Rooms should be ventilated frequently. The bathroom should also be for exclusive use but if this is not possible it should be disinfected and sanitized after use, using chlorine-based products (bleach) or 70 percent alcohol. Do not share towels or sheets. Dishes, glasses and cutlery can be washed with normal kitchen soap, while the waste produced by the infected person must be disposed of in a double plastic bag.

October 22, 2020 (change October 22, 2020 | 08:48)

