permanent bonus for those who earn less


State, the government plan: increases to avoid the strike.  Dadone: permanent bonus for those who earn less

The tension is high. the Strike public service on the renewal of contract Proclaimed for December 9, it shakes the government that, that same day, will have to face the delicate vote of the Month. Thus the Minister of Public Administration, Fabiana DadoneTry to reach out to the unions and offer a way out. The promise indicated in an open letter (published on the page) is to make structural the equalization element introduced by the last contract signed by the public service, that of 2016-2018. This is a bonus of about 20 euros per month., intended for the lowest income. Matteo Renzi tasked him with guaranteeing all state governments an increase of at least 85 euros. The problem is that this increase was programmed and was not refinanced.

In his open letter, Minister Dadone says that he believes “that more should be done for the lower groups and therefore,” he adds, “it would be important to stabilize this completely temporary and provisional measure that was introduced in the 2016-2018 round to better match the contractual increase between those who enjoy higher salaries and those who do not. The equalization element, in fact, “says the minister,” was extended in 2018 pending the definition of the new contract 2019-2021, so it would be destined to be surpassed but in consideration of its equalization value I think it represents a measure to be structural. “
The decision, however, should not affect the resources made available for the contract by the Treasury, that is, 3,750 million euros in total. However, the distribution of the increases would change. The government had indicated about 4% of the increase in salaries for the entire state thanks to the allocated resources.

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With the Dadone mechanism, however, it would no longer be 4% for everyone, but instead would be a higher percentage for lower income and a lower percentage for higher income. Dadone, then, defines this contract as “a basin”, and undertakes to allocate all the resources that will come from the savings linked to the smart work. It remains to be seen if this proposal will be accepted by the organizations. Yesterday the controversy was bitter. Partly fueled by a study from the Public Accounts Observatory by Carlo Cottarelli, who recalled how contracts for public employees are even more generous than those for the private sector. That was enough to give the green light to the president of industrials Carlo Bonomi. “The state officials?” He said, “in the country they are perhaps those who have suffered the least.”

Those who called for government intervention were Annamaria Furlan, leader of the CISL. “The solution,” he said, “can absolutely be found and would be welcome: as long as the government does not pretend that nothing has happened, call the unions and put the necessary resources on the table.” All acronyms are still on the warpath. “These days,” said Fp Cgil, Cisl Fp and Uil in a joint note, “the media system reports a large amount of data, most recently from the Cottarelli Observatory, with the aim of discrediting the strike. Any indicators taken at the European level, “the unions say,” it tells us that Italian figures place Italian public employees below those of Denmark, Ireland, Sweden, the Netherlands and Germany. “

Last updated: 16:19

