The Government will expand with the next Budget Law the social monkey and the female option while studying the inclusion of a rule to expand access to the first measure and early exit towards retirement with Odds 41 provided precocious workers in hardship conditions the so-called fragile workers. Unions denounce it after meeting today with the Minister of Labor Nunzia Catalfo. The minister also announced a bill to sterilization of the effects of the fall in GDP on the amount of the contribution so that the amounts of the pensions to be paid in the coming years do not decrease or decrease.
The contribution method introduced with the 1995 Dini reform foresees, in fact, that the amounts paid by a worker are gradually revalued on the basis of a coefficient that also takes into account the country’s economic growth rate. The social bee allows access to early retirement for certain categories of workers aged 63 or older, without any burden on the beneficiary (unlike the voluntary Ape). Introduced on an experimental basis in 2018, it has been gradually expanded to the present day. Woman option It is a possibility offered to female workers to anticipate retirement on the condition that they fully opt for the contributory regime, that is, with a pension subsidy commensurate with the contributions actually paid during their working life.
Regarding the subject of fragile workers, there would be a problem in theaudience identification. THE The unions have called for the return of immunosuppressed patients, recipients or awaiting transplants, diabetics, heart on dialysis, taking into account workers who cannot work because they are considered unfit for work or who have been fired for exceeding the period of conduct. It will also be necessary to take into account workers employed in sectors with a higher risk of contagion such as health and transport. Inail is also working on the issue, which also refers to privileged access to smart work. You would also be working on one proposed law sterilize the effects of decreasing GDP on the mast contributory to pensions. This is how the unions report at the end of the meeting held today on the social security interventions that will be included in the Maneuver. The objective is do not reduce pension amounts which will be liquidated in the next few years.
Among the novelties also vertical part-time equalization (you work full day but not every day of the week) will equal horizontal (reduced daily hours), guaranteeing a full pension coverage in terms of working days. The social security coverage is complete in terms of duration, but the calculation of the amount of the pension will take into account the contribution paid based on the salary received, which will be lower in the face of fewer hours of work.
CGIL He considers the meeting he had today with the Government “useful”, however he underlines that the availabilities that have arisen are “important, but not sufficient”, in particular on the 14th and the exodus. “We have not received any response to two of our claims, namely the final resolution of question of the exodus, which we will propose again starting this afternoon, and the extension of the fourteenth to holders of pensions of less than 1500 euros ”. Also for Uil the meeting was positive but they remain “Open questions”.
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