Rome, October 14, 2020 – The menu of interventions that comes with the pension budget law is extensive. It runs from the extension until 2021 of Social waters me option woman the possible extension (but the Ministry of Economy resists) to the “fragile” workers of the exit route with 41 years of contributions and with the same subsidized Ape. But the short-term package must also include the equalization for tax purposes of part-time vertical horizontally and the two-year forecast of unemployment benefit (Naspi) for workers who can leave with early retirement called “iso-pension” by companies. Until the launch of a new six-year term to join pension funds with a tacit consent formula.
Quota 100
The delicate and complex chapter of overcoming is postponed until after the maneuver Quota 100 from 2022 and how to avoid it from that date 5 year ladder to earn retirement. Although it should be the Budget law that solves the crux of the negative GDP impact of this year on the revaluation of payments under the contribution system: it was done in 2015 and there should be no obstacles to doing it today with a domestic product. gross even more negative than then.
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But let’s go back to the package of measures that will enter the budget law. The Minister of Labor, Nunzia Catalfo, at the table this morning with the sector managers of Cgil, Cisl and Uil indicated the interventions that with relative certainty will be included in the provision: in addition to the measure of sterilization negative effects of GDP in revaluation of the contribution amountthere will be female option extension YSocial waters (with the extension of the latter’s audience to those who do not perceive the Sleep); full social security coverage for part-time vertical workers; the reduction of the threshold from 1,000 to 500 employees for the extension contract; the maintenance of the iso-pension for up to 7 years, evaluating the possibility of introducing Naspi for the first period of exit; the definition of a period of tacit consent to relaunch affiliation to the supplementary pension scheme.
The knot remains open “fragile workers(immunosuppressed, cardiac, other categories), so the Minister of Labor will have to deal with the Minister of Economy. Just as the most favorable remodeling of the contributions foreseen for certain categories is the subject of a tug of war with the Via XX Settembre department of workers to access the social Ape: construction, agricultural and maritime or the extension of the concept of heavy work to profiles professionals such as health and care personnel.
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