Pensions, money lost? “An alarm to prepare the Italians”


You really need a pension cut to avoid a collapse of the Italian economic system? The question has been recurring in recent days, those who follow the alarm raised mainly by the governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco.

The latter in fact, during the General Pension Statements, referred to the possibility of cutting pensions so as not to run the risk of facing a future that sees social security treatments and wellness impossible to guarantee.

Statements that, although in different ways by some politicians, have inevitably created a climate of alert and tension, also considering the even more crucial role that such measure assumes moments of economic crisis like what we live now.

But for Giancarlo Marcotti, Finance Director at Chiaro, such references are not entirely justified by the current situation and could only represent a way to “prepare” Italians for unpopular measures.

Pensions, finished money ?: “An alarm to prepare the Italians”

It is undeniable that the pandemic crisis will have serious repercussions on a system that is already going through great difficulties in precovitated times, such as the pension system.

But – Marcotti underlines during the appointment with World and Finance di the methods and time used to tackle the problem suggest a kind of preparatory strategy destined to give way to measures that are not easy to accept:

“Without a doubt, it will turn out that we have economic difficulties as a country, and one of the things that is used the most is pensions. This is because saying that there is no money to pay the salaries of public employees is too much, and that is why it is said that there is no money to pay the pensions ”.

For the Director of Finance in Chiaro, in fact, the question is quite simple to explain: by the end of the year the country is preparing to increase our public debt of 170 billion euros, a movement already well known and, like it or not, accepted for a long time.

That is why we now point out that in our public accounts they are not in good health “It is a rather trivial aspect: before they were not in good health, and much less today, with an additional debt of 170,000 million and more.”

An aspect that follows, however, a not too implicit objective according to Marcotti, who points out how similar news is usually disseminated with a specific purpose: “To make us accept some things that otherwise we would not have accepted” :

“We try to feed a little the fears of the population and then lead us to accept options that otherwise would never have been well received. Therefore, the issue of pensions in Italy, given the many pensioners and the many discussions about it, turns upside down because we are preparing ourselves to make decisions that are very unpleasant for the population. We try to make him understand in a certain sense that the situation is serious and that sooner or later some unpopular measures will have to be taken ”.
