Social beekeeping, early retirement, female option, layoffs, iso-pension and extension contracts. Here are the topics that will be on the table today during the remote meeting between the technicians of the Ministry of Labor (Minister Nunzia Catalfo absent) and CGIL, CISL and UIL. Initially, it was planned to address the issue of social security reform (hence also the retirement age) but as time is short in view of the budget law, the ministry proposed to discuss the most urgent matters. Among these, at the top of the union wish list, is Quota 41. In addition to the safe extension, for next year, of the Ape and Mujer Social Option, there is in fact the possible extension of the opportunity retirement. 41 years of contributions to those workers who will be recognized as being “frail”, such as heart disease, cancer patients and the immunosuppressed.
Pensions, the increase arrives for disabled people over 18 years old: arrears are also recognized
Pensions, leaving at 64: discount of two to those who do heavy work: here is the after quota 100
The definition is not clear at the moment and will need to be better defined also in relation to smart work and the time to return to the workplace, but it could be linked to the health condition already foreseen to obtain the Social Ape. It should be remembered that, at present, those who have paid 41 years of contributions, of which 12 months before age 19, can retire regardless of age. However, these early workers must also meet certain requirements: be unemployed after being laid off and have finished benefiting from unemployment benefits for at least three months; have a certified disability equal to or greater than 74%; have been caring for a seriously disabled family member for at least six months when applying for a pension; Be workers in heavy and strenuous tasks. On the other hand, the new request of the unions on which the government is reflecting would foresee the elimination of these requirements, to allow all workers considered precocious to access early retirement. The measure will also later be extended to all fragile workers.
Among the measures we are discussing is also the extension to workers in companies with fewer than a thousand employees, expansive solidarity contracts to accompany people from work to retirement, creating job opportunities for young people. It is also assumed that a mixed system is adopted with regard to the pension, that is, the sliding towards a pension now fully paid by the company until the worker’s rights have matured. For this reason, the unions ask that Naspi be allowed three years to lighten the burden on companies that have used it very little so far because it is too expensive. As for the current reform, which will serve to lighten the impact of the end of Quota 100, the confrontation has not started for the moment. But it is likely that we think more about the types of work (“For so many strenuous jobs we cannot imagine a long working life: we must have the courage to differentiate ourselves”, clarified the premier Giuseppe Conte in recent weeks) than in an equal early departure for all because the latter would imply excessive costs.
Last updated: 22:14