Pensions, do you change? From 41 to option Woman, what is cooked in the pot


Pension reform, work in progress. After the lockdown due to Covid, the government and unions are working to reopen the “welfare” construction site. Yesterday the meeting between the confederal secretaries of CGIL, Cisl me Uil and the Minister of Labor, Nunzia Catalfo, in which the executive announced that he wanted to think about some interventions. What could change? The extension and expansion of the audience of themonkey Social and the extension of Option donna while from the Government came the will to think about the possibility of leaving work a share 41 for so-called fragile workers.

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Pensions, which could change

Also open to extension contracts and supplementary pensions. For the latter, there would be the Government’s commitment to work on tacit consent (six months). Also focus on the revaluation of the pension amount to avoid that, in the case of negative GDP, the lack of growth impacts the provision. Another 4 rounds awaiting the government and unions shortly, as of the date to be defined: the first on the social ape, the exodus and the option of women; the second on iso-pension and expansion contracts; the third on supplementary pensions; the fourth on existing pensions. The minister, union sources explain, would also have confirmed the approval of the Government to the 2 technical commissions installed but later blocked by the brake imposed by Covid, which may soon take off: the first on the separation between pension and assistance; the second on life expectancy in relation to heavy workers.
