reform that came to replace a social unrest. Renewal is not on the agenda ”. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has chosen the Trento Economy Festival to announce that one of the symbolic measures of the yellow-green government and, in particular, of the Matteo Salvini League, will go to the attic And, obviously, Salvini was the first to react: “They want to return to the Fornero law!? The League will not allow it, I promise. You don’t mess with the sacrifices of millions of Italian workers.” Together with Conte, the leader of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi: “The abolition of Quota 100 is a major turning point. After changing the line in Europe, let’s get back to the seriousness of pensions and still remedy the damage of the populist government Next objective: the Month. “
Pensions, social Ape also extended to fragile workers at risk of Covid
However, always judging by the words of the premier, the construction work on social security does not stop there: “Among the reforms that await us, we can also work on pensions – Conte stresses – We have to get around a table, for example make a list. Strenuous jobs seem like the best prospect to me. A university professor would like to work at seventy, while in so many strenuous occupations we cannot imagine such a long working life. We must have the courage to differentiate ourselves ”. Also on another measure designed by the previous executive, and this time the M5S flag, Conte announced a fine adjustment: “Luckily we had a social protection measure such as the Citizenship Income to which we added the Emergency Income. they can always improve during the implementation phase. The project of insertion into the world of work linked to citizen income still sees us behind, I have already had two meetings with the competent ministers: we must complete this other pole – added the premier always in his video intervention at the Trento Festival – and also we must reorganize a kind of network to offer a process of training and retraining to workers. I hope that in the first months of 2021 we can present the other project, the one that involves the implementation of citizenship with insertion in the world of work ”.
Inps, in August 25% increase in income recipients by citizenship
Finally, the Recovery Fund: “It will certainly not be made up of the six hundred published projects whose dissemination we have already informed the Prosecutor’s Office. We cannot allow fragmented projects: we will add individual projects that will be in much smaller numbers and will give a vision of the country, online with the EU guidelines. Everything will change: we will have a regulatory structure dedicated to the Recovery plan, which will allow us to identify ad hoc issues and a path that will allow us to monitor implementation. Wait and judge. “
Recovery Fund winners and losers: these are the countries that take and give to Europe