Pensions: another 50,000 could drop out of school in 2021. 50% of those remaining are over 50, Anief points to a 61-year window



In the midst of a health emergency, at least 50,000 teachers and administrators could retire with 100. The numbers are provided by the Anief union, which nevertheless warns: there are heavy sanctions.

For example, those who adhere to the “woman option” will have a cut of up to 600 euros per month.

With the stability law of 2021 – the union proposes – the time has come to approve a window that rejuvenates the Italian school, with greater biological risk, and protects the health and safety of all workers. Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief, during meetings with Minister Catalfo, in the Confedir and Cisal delegations, asked the Government to immediately consider as onerous the work carried out in all order and degree (not only that carried out in the gardens of childhood) and allow fragile workers to work agilely or leave with ordinary pay (and not reduced in illness), open a specific window of 61 years in the future in consideration of biological risk, without penalties. Italy can no longer afford to have the oldest school staff in the world.

The Ministry has already illustrated to the unions the annual circular with which the requests for termination of service will be launched as of September 1, 2021.

In Instanze Online you can choose between two questions:

  • Early or old-age pension or with the option of a woman
  • fee 100 (subordinate to the first question)

Who can submit the request

