The pension with female option it is very attractive as it allows you to bring your old-age pension up to 9 years before. On the other hand, the measure entails a full recalculation of the contributions of the provision owed, which in some cases carries a penalty of up to 30% of the amount owed. For this very reason, an alternative is often sought.
We respond to a Money.it reader who writes us:
Hello, I am a craftsman. At the end of the year I will close p. VAT. I have 39.5 years of contributions and, with the LDB 2020, I should be able to take advantage of the DO (in case it is extended. In fact, I am from March 61). I had some calculations done, to date, with OD I would lose about 400 euros compared to Fornero. I cannot pay a fine like that, as I have an outstanding mortgage. At the same time, I need to have a ticket. I do not know what to do! Do you have any advice for me? Thank you”
Woman pension option, what alternatives?
With 59 years and 39 and a half years of contributions, unfortunately, the female option is still the only measure that allows her to leave the world of work immediately.
Although I agree with you that the the measure is really too penalizingIn some cases, however, it is still the one that allows access to retirement long before everyone else.
In your case, among other things, the penalty is even more thought out because it allows you an advance, on ordinary early retirement, of only 2 and a half years: with 41 years and 10 months of contributionsin fact, he was able to access the retirement foreseen by the Fornero reform without suffering any penalty on the amount owed.
The alternatives are really nil if you need immediate income. If, on the other hand, you manage to wait at least 2 and a half years and have the opportunity to continue working and contribute when you turn 41 years and 10 months, you could withdraw without cuts.
You could also decide to pay the missing contributions by obtaining the voluntary continuation authorization, which would take around 2 and a half years to reach the result of the contribution you need, but in this case, in addition to not having a monthly income, you also you would have to pay the burden of paying the contributions.
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