What are the retirement options for people 63, 64 and 65 in 2020?
- At 65 years of age with 20 years of contributions, they told me that I cannot retire
Unfortunately, to access the old-age pension you must be at least 67 years old. Only if the 20 years of contributions have all been paid after December 31, 1995 (no contributions have been paid before that date) and the amount of the pension owed is equal to or greater than 2.8 times the INPS social allowance (which for 2020 is equivalent to 459 euros per month) you can access the pension at 64.
- For unemployed workers with 63 years and 30 contributions to access ape social, do they have to have 18 months of contributions or working hours? I would like to understand if the 18 months should be of contributions or real business days thank you
Unemployed workers who at the age of 63 have at least 30 years of contributions and who have fully benefited from the Naspi owed can access the Social Ape. In the case of workers with expiration of an indefinite contract, it is also necessary to comply with an additional contribution requirement: in the previous 3 years they must have at least 18 months of subordinate employment contract (although not continuous).
- Hello, I am 64 years old with less than 20 years of contributions, can I request an early retirement or access the social ape?
The Social Ape requires, in addition to having reached at least 63 years of age, also at least 30 years of contributions for carers, disabled and unemployed and at least 36 years of contributions for heavy workers.
There is no form of early retirement that allows access to 64 without 20 years of contributions. In fact, if you are not part of one of the 15-year pensions, you are not entitled to a pension even at age 67.
I advise you to check the actual number of contributions paid, to assess whether within 67 years you can reach the 20 years of contributions necessary to access the old-age pension and, if not, assess whether it is appropriate to pay the contributions. with voluntary prosecution. In fact, if you are unable to access the old-age pension, the only possibility of retirement you have is with the social allowance, which nevertheless requires a very low family income.
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