Italian law establishes that to access the retirement at 67 years it is necessary to accumulate at least 20 years of contributions. In some rare cases, and by meeting certain requirements, access is allowed even with at least 15 years of contributions. The alternative remains there retirement at age 71.
We respond to a Money.it reader who writes us:
“My teacher cousin started her job in 2012 at the age of 51.
When you reach the maximum age of 66.10 months, you will have accumulated 14-15 years of contributions. To reach the minimum of 20 years of contributions to access the pension, what should you do? Works until 71-72 years “

Pension without 20 years of contributions
Current legislation establishes that to access the old-age pension, at least 20 years of contributions. In some cases, provided for by the Amato law of 1992, it is possible to access, always at the age of 67 but only with 15 years of contributions.
It is possible to access the old-age pension with only 15 years of contributions in one of the following cases:
- all accrued contributions were paid before January 1, 1993
- authorization for the payment of voluntary contributions was obtained before December 31, 1992, even without ever having carried out the voluntary continuation
- It has been at least 25 years old (first contribution paid at least 25 years before the pension application) and for at least 10 years the contributions have not reached 52 weeks a year.
His cousin is currently expected to be around 8 years of contributions and 59 years old. Even adding the years of contributions that could be paid up to 67 years, it would reach 16 years of contributions, and could access the old-age pension only if it falls within one of the cases that I have described above.
Otherwise there are two options: on the one hand, order the guard detention up to the age of 71, provided that by that date you complete the 20 years of necessary contributions, or access the contributory old-age pension, which requires only 5 years of contributions (paid in full after December 31, 1995) that can be requested at age 71 (plus any increase in retirement age to adjust ISTAT life expectancy).
“If you have any doubts or questions, please contact us at the email address ask for [email protected]”